Contractors working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District install a 23-foot-tall concrete shaft enclosure weighing approximately 120,000 pounds as part of the guard wall at the Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 2023.

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Tag: Huntington District
  • March

    Ohio Partnership Meeting

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Rivers Division met with representatives from the
  • February

    Marvels of Muskingum

    Scott Kraynak, the Environmental Compliance Coordinator for the Muskingum Area, wrote this amazing
  • Assessing Atwood’s Spillway

    Engineers from USACE Huntington District had a site visit to Atwood Lake to assess any issues with the spillway and what work needs to be done to fix those issues.
  • December

    Bluestone Partnership Meeting

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Huntington District participated in a partnership meeting with Brayman Construction Company and leaders in Daniels, WV to review and discuss the progress of the working going on at Bluestone Dam.
  • November

    Dive Team Training

    Colonel Jayson Putnam, Huntington District Commander, visited the Huntington District Dive Team during their training at the Winfield Locks and Dam to give out some well-deserved rewards to team members.
  • September

    NRAC wins Excellence in Partnership Award

    The New River Alliance of Climbing was awarded the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Excellence in Partnership Award during a ceremony held at Summersville Lake on September 7, 2023. The Excellence in Partnerships Award annually recognizes exceptional contributions by a partner supporting the Recreation and/or Environmental Stewardship programs. The award recipient is selected based on accomplishment of management objectives, creativity, improvements in public awareness and education, serving diverse audiences and involvement of other partners.
  • August

    Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Huntington District hosted a Ribbon Cutting ceremony on Friday August 25, 2023 to celebrate the completion of a project to renovate the Bradshaw Town Hall in Bradshaw, WV.
  • July

    Saving Lives is Fun at Burnsville Lake!

    Saving Lives is Fun at Burnsville Lake! On Friday, July 28th Burnsville Lake, US Army Corps of Engineers and Bobber the Water Safety hosted a Water Safety Event that was fun and educational for all ages!
  • Flannagan Drift Removal

    This group of guys are spending their summer before college working for our contractor to remove drift from the lake.
  • Annual Maintenance Bulkhead Exercise

    While conducting the annual maintenance bulkhead exercise, access across Sutton Dam to the Jerimiah Carpenter hiking trail was closed. This important exercise enables staff the opportunity to maintain a state of readiness and to test the various pieces of equipment and steps required to complete the process.
Chick Lock

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