This section includes monthly and annual long-term trends in net-basin supply (NBS) components: precipitation, evaporation, and runoff from 1950 to 2022 for lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, Erie, and Ontario. A black line is plotted to help represent the patterns and trends in the data on a monthly and annual temporal scale. These trends are based on the data shown from 1950 to 2022 and may not be reflective of future trends.
Each lake has a graph showing monthly and annual average surface water temperatures, and a graphic showing monthly and annual maximum ice cover. Below the graphs are tables describing past conditions, Average surface water temperatures are shown over the period 1995-2022 and ice cover is shown from November 1972 to June of 2023. Note that the years on the annual plots refer to "Ice Years", which starts in November or December of the previous year. For example, the ice year of 2015, would be from November 2014 to June 2015.