US Army Corps of Engineers
Great Lakes and Ohio River Division Website

About the Division





About the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division (LRD)

The Great Lakes and Ohio River Division is one of eight Army Corps of Engineers Regional Business Centers. Using Project Management Business Processes, we operate in concert with our seven Districts as a Regional Business Center where expertise and experience is shared to serve customers across 17 states.

The seven districts are Buffalo District in New York, Chicago District in Illinois, Detroit District in Michigan, Huntington District in West Virginia, Louisville District in Kentucky, Nashville District in Tennessee, Pittsburgh District in Pennsylvania. 

Together, we provide project management, engineering and contracting services across the full spectrum of operations--from peace to war--in support of our national interests. These missions include:

The Way Ahead. The Division Headquarters manages regional resources to balance and support the needs of security, economic development, and the environment to insure that we deliver a sound and sustainable return on investment. Overall, the Division has approximately 4,000 civilian employees dedicated to working together as one powerful regional team.


Mission & Vision

Mission: Deliver vital public and military engineering services; partnering in peace and war to strengthen our Nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters.

Vision: Engineering solutions for our Nation’s toughest challenges.

The Great Lakes and Ohio River Division:

  • Is the part of the Nation’s number one federal provider of outdoor recreation.
  • Is the part of the Nation's environmental engineer
  • Encompasses 355,300 square miles, all or portions of 17 states containing a population of more than 58 million people.
  • Keeps the Ohio River system navigable.
  • Protects American shorelines of the five Great Lakes
  • Owns and operates multipule locks and dams.
  • Maintains nine hydropower plants on the Cumberland River system with a capacity of over 900 megawatts.
  • Has an Emergency Management Team in place to assist with any local, national and international emergencies.
  • Was given the task of cleaning up the radiological waste from old Manhattan Project sites.
  • Serves as a representative on the International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes.
  • Operates and maintains commercial inland navigation channels.
  • Restores, creates, enhances or preserves wetlands under the Corps’ Regulatory Program.
  • Supports Army and Air Force installations.
  • Provides technical and construction support to various countries.
  • Researches and develops technologies to protect the nation’s environment and enhance quality of life.

Regional Priorities

The commander's intent is for USACE continues to increase its public value: a National asset that provides leadership and technical expertise in formulating and implementing water resources, environmental stewardship, and broader sustainable infrastructure policies and solutions; a Department of Defense asset that is the principal advisor for engineering, the design and construction execution agent for the Army and Air Force, and a provider of infrastructure related services throughout the facilities life cycle; and a Professional asset that maintains strong in-house engineering, project management, and other technical capabilities required to execute federal responsibilities and satisfy stakeholder requirements, while providing national technical and warfighting leadership in our mission areas.

Download the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Priorities and Directions brochure