Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

  • Draft Environmental Assessment, Section 571 Pond Creek Water Main Extension Project, Wood County, West Virginia

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District (Corps) has conducted an environmental analysis in accordance w ith the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended. The draft Environmental Assessment (EA) dated June 2024 for the Section 571 Pond Creek Water Main Extension Project addresses the existing water system which causes unsanitary and unsafe conditions to individuals along Pond Creek Road and Jerrys Run Road in Wood County, West Virginia. The need for the water main extension is to provide residents with reliable and safe water supply infrastructure.

  • Review Plan: Engineering and Design Products for Manistique Sea Lamprey Barrier

    This project consists of design performed by an Architect-Engineering firm (A-E) and construction of a sea lamprey barrier for the purpose of blocking sea lamprey from upstream migration and subsequent spawning. Project features include construction of a new fixed crest barrier with lamprey traps, removal of an existing concrete flume wall, and construction of a berm upstream of the dam for the purpose of stabilizing the existing training wall, and existing dam superstructure removal.

  • Draft Environmental Assessment, Section 571 City of Pennsboro Wastewater Collection System Improvements Project, Ritchie County, West Virginia

    The City of Pennsboro (City) is proposing to design and construct a wastewater collection system improvements project in Ritchie County, West Virginia. The existing wastewater collection system is no longer operating effectively due to the deteriorating lines, manholes, and connections to the collection system

  • Finding of No Significant Impact, Shore Nourishment at Wisconsin Point, City of Superior, Douglas County, Wisconsin

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, has signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed shore nourishment at Wisconsin Point, City of Superior, Douglas County, Wisconsin. The project would deliver suitable sandy material from maintenance dredging of the Duluth-Superior Harbor Federal Navigation Project to an eroding shoreline along Wisconsin Point and includes a pipeline through Allouez Bay. The Preliminary FONSI, Environmental Assessment, and Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation completed public review in March of 2024.

  • Finding of No Significant Impact, Rehabilitation of Shore Protection, Duluth Project Office, St. Louis County, Duluth, MN

    The Detroit District proposed shoreline riprap rehabilitation site is along the Duluth Ship Canal property immediately north of the ship canal and extending along the shore for approximately 200 feet. Part of the reconstruction work is below the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Lake Superior (elevation of 603.1 feet IGLD 1985). Associated upland work includes installation of a steel sheet pile T-wall and sidewalk along the length of the revetment that connects to the City of Duluth’s T-wall and sidewalk (Lakewalk), Some landscaping and storm drain work would completed on the upland area behind the revetment. The Preliminary FONSI, Environmental Assessment, and Clean Water Act Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation completed public review in May 2023.

  • Review Plan Engineering and Design Products I-RAP-Mud Lake, MN

    This review plan describes necessary quality reviews for engineering and design (E&D) products for the I-RAP-Mud Lake, MN project. Project objectives include: (1) to improve connectivity for water and aquatic organisms to move between Mud Lake and the St. Louis River; (2) to provide overwintering habitat by deepening and opening the north end of Mud Lake; (3) to restore wetland habitat by creating hemi-marsh for birds; (4) to improve plant species establishment, re-establishing wild rice, and limiting invasive cattails; (5) to recreate historic bay mouth bars and islands reusing dredged material; and (6) to remediate contaminated sediments, as needed. The project will include construction of a 10- to 30-foot opening under an existing railroad way. The opening design will consist of multiple, precast box culverts or a simple span precast concrete bridge founded on steel piles. Engineering tasks will include data collection, hydraulic modeling, and plans and specifications for dredging and the culvert or bridge. The construction contract will be awarded by others (USEPA or MNDNR). The USACE is expected to be retained for construction oversight support.

  • Review Plan Engineering and Design Products Soo Poe Lock Gate 3 Engineering and Design

    This review plan describes necessary quality reviews for engineering and design (E&D) products for the Soo Poe Lock Gate 3 Engineering and Design. Design of a new downstream (D/S) miter gate (Gate #3) at the Poe including gate leaves, pintle base, adjustable wall quoin and a rod connection interface to gate. The design package to include drawings, technical specifications, ECIFP, and DDR w/calculations. Fabrication and installation is not considered.

  • Review Plan Engineering and Design Products Soo Asset Renewal Crib Dam Stabilization, MI

    This review plan describes necessary quality reviews for engineering and design (E&D) products for the Asset Renewal Crib Dam Stabilization. This project requires design and construction to stabilize the crib dam (the wall along the tailrace at the power plant, center dam) located at the Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. The stability of the crib dam is critical for maintaining water levels in the St. Marys River at the power plant and providing access to perform operations and maintenance (O&M) activities in the area.

  • Finding of no Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District has assessed the environmental impacts of the subject project in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and has determined a draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The attached draft Environmental Assessment (EA) dated April 2024, addresses the USACE repair of the Conneaut West Breakwater located at the City of Conneaut, Ashtabula County, Ohio on the southern shore of Lake Erie, about 70 miles northeast1 of Cleveland, Ohio. The Conneaut West Breakwater shelters Conneaut Harbor and its associated features from severe lake storms and waves. The breakwater provides necessary shelter from lake waves, allowing commercial vessels to navigate and serve industry at the harbor. In addition, the structure enables small vessels and recreational boats to navigate to and from marinas within the harbor project. The shoreline along Conneaut Harbor is also protected from erosion by the outer breakwater. Recent inspections indicate the breakwater has deteriorated from wave action since the last repairs were made to the structure. Thus, the breakwater is at risk of no longer providing adequate protection to the interior of Conneaut Harbor from severe lake storms and waves. Repair of this structure is necessary to restore the breakwater to its nearly original condition so it can provide adequate protection to the Conneaut Harbor navigation channel and shoreline.

  • Glenwood Wastewater Collection and Treatment Project, Preble County, Ohio: Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District has conducted an Environmental Assessment in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, for the Glenwood Wastewater Collection and Treatment Project, which addresses the need for sanitary sewer services in the Glenwood community in Preble County, Ohio.
Chick Lock

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