
  • Levee Safety

    Levee systems are part of our nation’s landscape and important to communities because of the benefits they provide. For example, more than 13 million people live or work behind levees in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Levee Safety Program. And, public and private property worth more than one trillion dollars are behind these levees.
  • Dam Safety

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) operates and maintains approximately 740 dams and associated structures nationwide that provide significant, multiple benefits to the nation—its people, businesses, critical infrastructure and the environment.  These benefits include flood risk management, navigation, water supply, hydropower, environmental stewardship, fish and wildlife conservation and recreation. 
  • Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS)

    The Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS) is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study that presents a range of options and technologies to prevent aquatic nuisance species (ANS) movement between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River basins through aquatic connections. See the map below to view the location of these basins and the GLMRIS study area. Through a structured study process, USACE identified ANS of Concern established in one basin with the risk for transfer to the other, analyzed and evaluated available controls, and formulated alternatives with the goal of preventing ANS transfer between the two basins, specifically within the Chicago Area Waterway System.
  • Great Lakes Fishery and Ecosystem Restoration Program (GLFER)

    Under the GLFER program, the Corps of Engineers plan, design, and construct projects to restore and protect aquatic habitat.
  • Silver Jackets

    Silver Jackets is a National Corps of Engineers Program that focuses on continuous collaboration with state and other Federal agencies to reduce flood risks and other natural disasters. No single agency has all the answers, but often multiple programs can be leveraged to provide a cohesive solution.
  • Section 202 Program

    ​Section 202 was incorporated into the Energy and Water Development Act of 1981 (P.L. 96-367).  Section 202 authorized the Corps to design and construct such flood control measures as would be necessary and advisable to prevent future flood damages at several named communities, in the Tug and Levisa Forks and Upper Cumberland River Basins, such as occurred in April 1977. 
  • Flood Plain Management Services

    The Army Corps can provide the full range of technical services and planning guidance that is needed to support effective flood plain management.
  • Continuing Authorities Program (CAP)

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) is a group of nine legislative authorities under which USACE can plan, design, and implement certain types of water resources projects without additional project specific congressional authorization.
  • Red River Port Section 107

    Red River Port Section 107 Feasibility
  • Formerly Used Defense Sites Program

    During the past 200 years, some activities supporting military readiness resulted in the need for environmental cleanup within the United States and its territories. The Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are committed to protecting human health and the environment and improving public safety by cleaning up these properties.