Red River Port Section 107

Fact Sheet (As of April 2022)

Nashville District
Published Oct. 25, 2021
Updated: May 2, 2022
Current appearance of project site

Current appearance of project site

Current appearance of project site

Current appearance of project site

 Red River Port Section 107


AUTHORIZATION: Section 107, 1960 Rivers and Harbors Act, as amended.

TYPE OF PROJECT: Inland Navigation.

PROJECT PHASE:  Feasibility

LOCATION: The project site is located on the Red River, just north of its confluence with the Cumberland River in Montgomery County, Tennessee.  The site lies within the city limits of Clarksville and is adjacent to their downtown.

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Green (TN-07), Alexander (TN), Blackburn (TN)

NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR: City of Clarksville, TN.


BACKGROUND: The City of Clarksville is seeking to expand their existing Blueway river recreation system through resuming operations at the project site on the Red River. Formerly, the site was owned and operated by a private marina. However, following the severe drought that affected the area during the early 2010s, the marina closed, and the site has since experienced major sedimentation.  With the increase in sand, mud, and debris residing within the space, the port has become unnavigable. Clarksville has engaged the Corps of Engineers to explore dredging the site to a depth of four feet.  This will allow the site to be used by a variety of leisure craft, including paddleboards, kayaks, and recreational fishing boats.


IMPORTANCE: With both the regional population and number of aquatic users rising, the project is in the public interest for its positive effect on recreation.  The site will supply access to both the Red and Cumberland rivers. In addition, it will grant private canoe and paddleboard companies with a take-out point at the downstream end of the Red River.

STATUS:  The Nashville District is completing a feasibility study to determine the most cost-effective and environmentally productive method for dredging and material disposal.

BUDGET ($):  The total budget for the feasibility phase is $220,000.  This is split evenly between the federal government and the City of Clarksville with each contributing $110,000. 



FY2021 Completed Work:  Site Visits, Environmental and Engineering Analysis, Preliminary Channel Design

FY2022 Scheduled Work:  Complete Feasibility Study, Sign Project Partnership Agreement for Design and Implementation Phase


Peter Karr
(615) 736-2167