Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Tag: louisville district
  • Public Notice for the Village of Mount Sterling, Ohio, Environmental Infrastructure Project, Environmental Assessment

    Expiration date: 8/2/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District has completed a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for which includes a 150,000-gallon elevated water storage facility in the Village of Mount Sterling, in Madison County, Ohio. A new elevated water storage facility will be installed on the Village of Mount Sterling’s property.
  • Draft Detailed Project Report with Integrated Environmental Assessment for the Little Miami River, Loveland, Ohio Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Section 14 Emergency Streambank Stabilization Project

    Expiration date: 7/22/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Louisville District is working in partnership with the City of Loveland, Ohio, to find the best possible solutions to address erosion and unstable streambank concerns within the area. USACE recently conducted a study where data was gathered to determine possible alternatives. The Louisville District has completed a Detailed Project Report with an Integrated Environmental Appendix, which can be found by visiting
  • Glenwood Wastewater Collection and Treatment Project, Preble County, Ohio: Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District has conducted an Environmental Assessment in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, for the Glenwood Wastewater Collection and Treatment Project, which addresses the need for sanitary sewer services in the Glenwood community in Preble County, Ohio.
  • Section 531 Environmental Infrastructure, North Jackson Water Improvements in the City of Jackson, Breathitt County, Kentucky Regional Review Plan Consistency Certification

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is submitting a Regional Review Plan Consistency Certificate and Transmittal Memorandum to the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division (LRD) for the Section 531 North Jackson Water Improvements in the City of Jackson, Breathitt County, Kentucky, to certify that the project falls under the Environmental Infrastructure (EI) Programmatic Review Plan. This Programmatic Review Plan applies to the review of all EI decision and design documents within LRD for the following EI authorities: Section 154, Section 313, Section 340, Section 531, Section 569, Section 571, and Section 594.
  • Kentucky River, Beattyville, Kentucky General Investigation Feasibility Study - Review Plan

    Kentucky River, Beattyville, Kentucky General Investigation Feasibility Study in Beattyville/Lee County, Kentucky - Review Plan The project scope of work includes the identification and evaluation of measures, the compilation and evaluation of alternatives and the preparation of a decision document that, as appropriate, recommends a coordinated and implementable solution for the flooding issues in Beattyville, Kentucky along the Kentucky River.
  • City of Loveland, Ohio Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Section 14 Emergency Streambank Stabilization Project – Review Plan

    City of Loveland, Ohio Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Section 14 Emergency Streambank Stabilization Project – Review Plan (Dec 2023) The purpose of the Feasibility Study is to investigate a cost-effective and environmentally acceptable means to prevent active erosion at three sites along the Little Miami River that is threatening public infrastructure in the City of Loveland, Ohio. The need for the project is to prevent the erosion from negatively impacting critical public infrastructure, specifically a public road (East Kemper Road), which provides access to local residents, school buses, and emergency responders. The streambank erosion has impacted the adjacent roadway infrastructure and, as a result, vehicle occupant safety.
  • LRL-2024-003

    Expiration date: 2/22/2024

    Public Notice for the Glenwood Wastewater Collection and Treatment Project, Preble County, Ohio, Environmental Infrastructure project, Environmental Assessment: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District has completed a draft Environmental Assessment (EA), which includes construction of an extended aeriation wastewater treatment plant, a gravity sewer system, construction of an access road on the wastewater treatment plant property and two pump stations.
Chick Lock

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