Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Draft Detailed Project Report with Integrated Environmental Assessment for the Little Miami River, Loveland, Ohio Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Section 14 Emergency Streambank Stabilization Project

Louisville District
Published June 25, 2024
Expiration date: 7/22/2024

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Louisville District is working in partnership with the City of Loveland, Ohio, to find the best possible solutions to address erosion and unstable streambank concerns within the area.

USACE recently conducted a study where data was gathered to determine possible alternatives. The Louisville District has completed a Detailed Project Report with an Integrated Environmental Appendix, which can be found by visiting report outlines the need for the project, which is to prevent slope failures and erosion from negatively impacting East Kemper Road at three locations (worksites) identified by the City of Loveland as sites where the city frequently provides funding for road repairs. The total project area is approximately 1.5 acres with each worksite covering approximately 0.5 acres. The report also provides feasibility level details regarding the proposed solution, or Tentatively Selected Plan, which is to apply riprap to the three worksites to stabilize the bank. The riprap would receive a vegetated treatment of native seeds and plantings to maintain the aesthetic qualities of the Little Miami River. The goal of the project is to reduce current risks to public infrastructure and the life and safety of residents.

USACE Louisville District welcomes public feedback. All comments can be submitted by e-mail to The public comment period will be open until July 21, 2024.

At this time, project design is expected to start in the spring 2025, with construction expected to start late 2027. However, these timeframes are subject to change.

If you have any questions about the project, or would like additional information, contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District Public Affairs Office at (502) 315-6767 or at

Chick Lock

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