Chick Lock

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Mohawk Dam

Huntington District
Published Jan. 10, 2024

Mohawk Dam was authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1938 and was built along with 13 other dams to control flooding within the Muskingum River watershed.  Work began in April 1935 and the dam was completed in September 1937.  The embankment is rolled earth with an impervious core, having a maximum height of 115.5 feet.  The crest length of the dam is 2300 feet at elevation 914.5.  A concrete parapet wall that is 3 feet high was installed at the dam to provide freeboard protection.  The outlet works are located in the left abutment and consist of an approach channel, intake structure, horsehoe shaped tunnel and conduit, stilling basin, and outlet channel. 

Land includes 251 fee acres and 13,773 easement acres. There Corps has two out granted day use and camping recreation areas.

Chick Lock

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