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Leesville Lake

Huntington District
Published Jan. 10, 2024

In Carroll County, Ohio, Leesville Lake is on McGuire Creek, a tributary of Conotton Creek on Tuscarawas River, which runs into the Muskingum River. Leesville Lake was constructed primarily for flood control, recreation, fish and wildlife enhancement. The Leesville Dam was completed in October 1936 and is a rolled earth fill with impervious core, maximum height of 74 feet, 1,695 feet long, with the top width of 25 feet, and the base width of 450 feet. The lake encompasses 1000 acres at summer pool elevation. 

Historical Info
The McCook house located nine miles from the dam in Carrollton, Ohio, is a historical museum of the fighting McCooks of Civil War fame. The museum is open year round and a must see at Christmas Time. For more information, you can call them @ (330) 627-3345.

Chick Lock

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