Chick Lock

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Clendening Lake

Huntington District
Published Jan. 10, 2024

Clendening Lake is located in Harrison County, Ohio on the Brushy Fork of the Stillwater Creek within the Lower Tuscarawas section of the Muskingum Area. Clendening Lake was constructed in 1937.  It was built for flood damage reduction, recreation, and fish and wildlife management.  It was authorized by Section 4 of the Flood Control Act (FCA) of 1938, as amended by Section 4 of the FCA of 1939. Land includes 87 fee acres and 7,214 easement acres.  At summer pool elevation, the lake is 1,800 acres.  Clendening Dam is a rolled earth fill with impervious core, 65 feet high, 3,700 feet long, with a top width of 20 feet, and a base width of 460 feet. Primary project purposes are flood damage reduction, recreation, and fish and wildlife.

Chick Lock

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