U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District

The Louisville District is a diverse, innovative, professional organization providing engineering solutions for the region and nation -- executing over a $1 billion program annually. Established in 1886, today our world-class workforce of more than 1,200 people work in the five-state area of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio to reduce disaster risk, strengthen the economy, and support national security.

Mission: Deliver engineering solutions in collaboration with our partners in order to reduce disaster risk, strengthen the economy and support national security.

Vision: A professional organization that provides quality solutions for the region and nation with a focus on continual improvement, workforce development and efficient mission execution.

Here at the Louisville District, we have experts in fields as unique as our people. We build things that matter and use really cool tools. The world is our office, and our dedicated team of military officers and Army civilians continues to answer the nation’s call by always building strong.

Our Civil Works program focuses on responsible development, protection and restoration of the nation’s water and land resources.

With a geographic area of 66,951 sq. miles in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio and a small area in Tennessee, the Louisville District manages nine locks and dams: seven on the Ohio River and two on the Green River, moving an average of approximately 58 million tons through each of our locks on the Ohio River.

We also manage 17 flood risk reduction lakes, which also provide outdoor recreation to an average of 15 million visitors each year. Our reservoirs help to minimize flood damage along with levees and floodwalls as part of locally maintained flood protection systems.


The Louisville District supports warfighters through our military mission. We build world-class facilities across 306,000 sq. miles in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio for our service members and families to live, work, train and heal.

The district also manages the Nationwide Energy, Resilience and Conservation Investment Program.

Our Interagency and International Support (IIS) program provides project management, engineering and construction services to other federal, state and local agencies. For example, we are proud to partner with Department of Veterans Affairs to ensure our treasured Veterans receive the kind of care they’ve earned.

To view the Louisville District Design Guides, click here.


The Louisville District is the National Program Manager providing project management and planning support for the construction of Army and Air Force Reserve centers nationwide.

Additional programs, and support services, for the Army Reserve that are centrally managed out of the Louisville District include a National Roofing Program, Full Facility Restoration, Intrusion Detection System, Furniture Procurement, Criteria Management, Real Estate Support, Fire Alarm Monitoring, IT Program, and Environmental Support for Military Construction Land Acquisition and Professional Services
The district's Construction Division Reserve Branch also plays a unique part in the process of delivering the robust program. They are responsible for managing construction nationwide—far beyond the district’s five-state military construction footprint.
To view the Army Reserve Design Guides, click here. 


The Louisville District’s environmental program is dedicated to building a strong, sustainable environment for future generations. We plan, design and construct projects to restore and enhance aquatic ecosystems, including wetlands. We are responsible for the remediation of hazardous, toxic and radiological waste related to certain military activities under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program for Formerly Utilized Defense Sites.

For more information on the Louisville District Environmental Program or a specific project contact our Environmental team


The Regulatory Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is responsible for administering the Regulatory Program in the majority of Indiana and Kentucky, the southeastern portion of Illinois, and the Ohio River to southwestern Ohio. The Regulatory Division evaluates permit applications for essentially all work that occurs in “waters of the United States” that are regulated by USACE pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Some examples of areas that may be within the jurisdiction of USACE include marshes, swamps, streams, creeks, rivers, ponds, lakes, seasonally saturated forested and non-forested wetlands.

To submit forms or for general inquiries, please contact: CELRL.Door.To.The.Corps@usace.army.mil

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is prepared and ready to respond to natural and human-made disasters and overseas contingencies. When disasters occur, USACE teams and other resources are mobilized from across the country to assist our local districts and offices.

The mission of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is to provide overall management and management support as well as command, control and communications for all district emergency and security activities. We have personnel that deploy each year in support of emergency operations. When disasters strike, we work in partnership with local, state and federal agencies to deliver our response missions. 

Click the image/link below for an interactive map with project and program fact sheets and photos.

Project Story Map

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News Releases

USACE Louisville District prepares for possible flooding impacts across Kentucky
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is actively monitoring this weekend’s forecasted heavy rainfall and preparing for potential moderate flooding across Kentucky...
Fire damages vacant former Nolin River Lake Project Office
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District was notified of an early morning fire at Nolin River Lake in Bee Spring, Kentucky, which caused extensive damage to the vacant former Nolin River...
USACE announces new management of select day-use areas in Green River Area
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District announces new management of day-use areas at select sites for the 2025 recreation season at the following lakes in the Green River Area, which...
  • Louisville District Leadership


            Col. L. Reyn Mann             Lt. Col. Guillermo Guandique                    John R. Bock
                       Commander                           Deputy Commander                     Deputy for Programs
                                                                                                                                     and Project Management 

Contact Us

General Inquiries
Water Quality
(502) 315-6312
Small Business
(502) 315-6111
Regulatory and Permits
(502) 315-6733
Real Estate
(502) 315-7001
Navigation Charts and Surveys
(502) 515-3078
Locks and Dams
(502) 315-6701
Levee Safety Program
(502) 315-6419
Lake/River Reports
(502) 315-6487
(502) 315-6721
(502) 315-6458
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
(502) 315-6640
(502) 315-6912
Executive Office
(502) 315-6106
Emergency Operations
(502) 315-6912
(502) 315-6574
Cultural Resources
(502) 315-7468
Civilian Personnel Advisory Center
(502) 315-6166
(502) 315-6120
Public Affairs
(502) 315-6766
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District
600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Place
Louisville, KY 40202

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