Contractors working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District install a 23-foot-tall concrete shaft enclosure weighing approximately 120,000 pounds as part of the guard wall at the Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 2023.

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Tag: People
  • June

    From battlegrounds to playgrounds, Army Reserve Soldiers flex engineering muscles thanks to WRDA

    A new authorization in the Water Resources Development Act of 2022 grants permission to U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers to work on projects for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as part of their official training plans.
  • May

    Admin professionals are ‘glue’ that lets organization stick to priorities

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 9, 2024) – Administrative professionals in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are highly respected and known as being the ‘glue’ that makes it possible for work centers and the organization to stick to priorities and stay focused on national and regional missions.
  • January

    Fox named Nashville District Employee of the Month for October 2023

    Lionel Fox, electrical engineer assigned to the Electrical Section, is the U.S. Army Corps of
  • December

    Celebrating 30 Years of Friends of Dale Hollow Lake

    Thirty years ago, Dale Hollow Lake was celebrating 50th anniversary, along with the founding of Friends of Dale Hollow Lake. In the past 30 years, the Friends of Dale Hollow Lake has provided countless hours of service to raise funds, assist in clean-ups and events, and participate in enhancement projects in partnership with the Corps of Engineers.
  • Supervisors gain skills to succeed

    From left to right: Michael Christianson – Lockmaster, Cheatham Lock Justin Gray - Lockmaster, Pickwick Lock Jody Robinson – Chief Quality Assurance, IPO Faron Bean – Chief, Electrical Design Section Paul Weaver – Lockmaster, Nickajack Lock Adam Walker – Chief, Design Branch Karli Pabian – Supervisory Engineer (Civil) Zach Langel – Chief, Civil Site and Survey Section Tennese Henderson – Supervisory Electrical Engineer Trey Church – Chief, Operations Section Cody Flatt - Chief, Programs John Brewington – Lockmaster, Old Hickory Lock William Worrall – Chief, Technical Services Branch
  • Corps Distinguished Civilian Employees named at ceremony

    Two notable retirees received the Distinguished Civilian Employee Recognition Award today, highlighting impactful careers and exceptional achievements with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District.
  • November

    Rock Harbor Marine Earns “Clean Marina” Status

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District conducted a “Clean Marina” inspection of Rock Harbor Marine which evaluates marinas for their standards for clean water and environmental stewardship in the Cumberland River Basin.
  • Barkley Power Plant charged to safely generate hydroelectricity during rehabilitation

    The team at the Barkley Dam Power Plant is generating hydroelectricity daily to provide green energy to the region but is also working to operate the plant safely while a hydropower unit is dismantled during a multi-year rehabilitation project that will encompass all four units.
  • October

    Year in Review: Pittsburgh District reflects on FY23 accomplishments

    The Pittsburgh District had an unprecedented fiscal year in 2023, and we accomplished a tremendous amount of work for the region and the nation, thanks to our employees.
  • August

    Coombs' success in running mirrors success in USACE

    Completing one marathon is an accomplishment for some and a goal for many others. For Craig Coombs, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Support Section chief, that number is 51, or a marathon in every state plus Washington D.C. He has completed marathons in 18 states so far and has plans to complete five to six marathons per year until his goal is met. The 21-year Louisville District veteran’s first marathon was the Derby Festival Marathon in 2012. His approach to running is the same as his approach to successfully completing environmental projects for USACE - planning, maintaining consistency and celebrating the wins.
Chick Lock

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