BUFFALO, N.Y. -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District completed performing the first five-year review of the protectiveness of the selected remedy outlined in the 2009 record of decision for the Seaway Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Site, located within the 100-acre Seaway Industrial Park along River Road in the Town of Tonawanda, New York.
The selected remedy, Containment with Limited Off-site Disposal, requires the capping of Seaway Areas A, B, and C within the landfill boundaries. The cap for the FUSRAP-related material (soil contaminated with radium, thorium, uranium, and uranium daughter products) will be constructed of multiple layers of various types of soil, fabric, and geomembranes at least 4.5-feet thick. Long-term monitoring of FUSRAP-related materials in capped areas, surveillance, and maintenance will be performed by the federal government. The federal government will ensure that land-use controls are in place to prevent future access to and disturbance of the contained FUSRAP-related materials.
The selected remedy also requires excavation of FUSRAP-related material that exceeds the cleanup criteria in the Seaway Northside and Southside areas, which are located outside the landfill boundaries. The selected remedy requires shipping the excavated materials off-site for disposal.
In 2015, the Buffalo District initiated excavation and off-site disposal of FUSRAP-related materials located beyond the landfill leachate containment system on Seaway Northside. This was completed in fiscal year 2016 with a total of 1,121 cubic yards of material excavated and shipped off-site for disposal. The initiation of this remediation triggered the start date for the first five-year CERCLA review.
The report indicates that a protectiveness determination of the remedy at the Seaway Site has been deferred until an assessment of the Southside area is complete. Deferring the assessment is a result of investigations conducted by the Buffalo District during fiscal year 2017 to delineate the extent of FUSRAP-related contamination within Seaway Southside. During this investigation analytical results from soil samples were obtained from 15 investigation test pits in the Southside area. An evaluation of the nature and extent of contamination in this area, as well as an assessment of the associated risk to human health and the environment, will be conducted using the 2017 results. It is expected that this evaluation will take approximately three years to complete, at which time a protectiveness determination will be made.
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) five-year report is available at https://www.lrb.usace.army.mil/Missions/HTRW/FUSRAP/Seaway-Site/ in the Reports section of the project website. A newsletter that summarizes the review and its findings is available in the News section of the website.
USACE Buffalo District awarded a contract in 2021 to design the Seaway Site landfill cover, develop the landfill cover construction plans and specifications, prepare a cost estimate for the landfill cover construction and develop an operations and maintenance plan.
During 2022, the Buffalo District will award a contract for the construction of the landfill cover. Construction is currently scheduled to begin during 2023. The next CERCLA review will be conducted in 2026.
For further information on the five-year review process, visit the website, email fusrap@usace.army.mil or contact (800) 833-6390 (option 4). Those interested in receiving electronic updates regarding the site as new information becomes available can email fusrap@usace.army.mil to be added to the distribution list.
The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Buffalo District delivers world class engineering solutions to the Great Lakes region, the Army and the Nation in order to ensure national security, environmental sustainability, water resource management, and emergency assistance during peace and war.