The Louisville District End of Year Award Ceremony

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News Releases

Archive: 2021
  • USACE provides details on debris removal process in Graves County

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is working under the direction of FEMA in support of the state and local government to assist with debris removal and cleanup operations in Graves County, Kentucky in response to severe weather and tornadoes which caused widespread devastation Dec. 10-11, 2021.
  • USACE provides details on debris removal process in Graves County

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is working under the direction of FEMA in support of the state and local government to assist with debris removal and cleanup operations in Graves County, Kentucky in response to severe weather and tornadoes which caused widespread devastation Dec. 10-11, 2021.
  • USACE receives debris removal mission from FEMA following Kentucky tornadoes

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District has received a mission assignment from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to begin debris removal and disposal in Graves County, Kentucky, which includes the town of Mayfield. The $120 million mission assignment for direct federal assistance will include removal and disposal of approximately two million cubic yards of debris from Graves County where severe weather and tornadoes caused widespread devastation Dec. 10-11, 2021.
  • Significant Navigation Upgrades Being Made to Cleveland Harbor Infrastructure

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District is making more than $16 million in upgrades to the breakwaters that protect critical infrastructure in Cleveland Harbor. As part of multiple projects, repairs and extensions are being made to portions of the more than five-mile-long structure which allows for navigation between the City of Cleveland and Lake Erie. This ensures the harbor’s ongoing value to the local and national economy.
  • Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center transitions to winter schedule

    DULUTH, Minn., – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is transitioning the operating hours of the Lake Superior Maritime Visitor Center in Canal Park to its winter schedule after the holidays. The Detroit District’s Duluth Area Office Visitor Center winter schedule will begin the week of Jan. 16, 2022 and will be open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Visitor Center will be open at the following dates and times during the holidays: • Dec. 20, 23, 27 and 30 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Jan. 3, 6-10 and 14-16 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • USACE researchers collaborate with Native American tribes to improve wildrice productivity

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) researchers are working with the Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians and other Native American tribes to help improve wildrice (Zizania palustris) productivity. The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) work is supporting two six-year USACE Detroit District Planning Assistance to States studies. Wildrice, or “manoomin” in the Anishinaabe or Ojibwe language, is found in fringe and riparian wetlands along lakes and rivers in the Great Lakes region. It is culturally significant and an important food source for Great Lake region Native American tribes. Wildrice is also a vital part of traditional religious ceremonies for these tribes. The Native American tribes harvest wildrice using traditional methods. Called “knocking the rice,” harvesters gently guide a canoe through the rice while using “knockers” to carefully knock or brush ripe rice into the canoe, taking great care not to damage the plants. This centuries-old method helps sustain wildrice stands.
  • Great Lakes and Ohio River Division supports emergency response following severe weather events in western Kentucky

    Great Lakes and Ohio River Division supports emergency response following severe weather events in western Kentucky
  • Village of Crestline to Receive Financial Assistance from USACE for New Wastewater Treatment Plant

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, entered into an agreement in November 2021 with the Village of Crestline to provide $1,075,000 in partial funding assistance toward the Village’s design and construction costs for a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), pump station and force main. The Village’s current plan includes construction of a new separate treatment train at the existing treatment plant site, and replacement of the Park Road Pump Station and force main. The total project cost is estimated at over $14 million.
  • Village of Lodi to Receive Financial Assistance from USACE for Water System Improvements

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, entered into an agreement in November 2021 with the Village of Lodi to provide $1,075,000 in partial funding assistance toward the Village’s design and construction costs for water system improvements. A survey of the Bank Street water tower (constructed in the 1930s) showed extensive corrosion on the riser of the tower, and the tank’s components were given a poor rating. The Village proposes to construct a new 200,000-gallon water storage tank on Evergreen Street and to replace the water main, services, valves and hydrants on Janice, Redfield, and Baker Street from the new tank to State Route 83. The preliminary cost estimate for design and construction is $2,637,950.
  • Louisville District supports emergency response efforts in Kentucky following severe weather, tornadoes

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is working in partnership with local, state and
Chick Lock

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