
Algoma Harbor

Chicago District
Published Jan. 9, 2024
Chicago Historic Photo Placeholder

Chicago Historic Photo

Project Description:

Recreational harbor with a project depth of 14 feet for 2,000 feet of maintained channel.  Dredged material is placed in an upland site provided by local stakeholders on an as needed basis.  This harbor also serves as a harbor of refuge for recreational vessels.

Breakwater structures total 2,632 lineal feet of timber crib piers and breakwaters in the harbor consist of the following segments: 1,102-foot-long north pier and a 1,530-foot- long south breakwater.

The harbor channel requires infrequent dredging but is currently needed. The channel was last dredged by USACE in 1993; community performed minimal dredging in 2012, but harbor access remains constricted. Maintenance dredging is currently required.

Breakwater repairs are required due to deterioration of the timber crib and loss of fill stone which has created holes in the structure allowing waves and sediment to penetrate the structure and flowing into the channel.

Current Status:

Plans and specifications are under development to encapsulate the north and south breakwaters. Award of a construction contract is scheduled for September 2023.

Project Authorization:

Rivers & Harbors Act of 1871

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