Tag: great lakes
  • Great Lakes Remedial Action Plans

    This program enables the Corps of Engineers to provide technical assistance to state & local agencies or non-profit organizations for the development or implementation of Remedial Action Plans at Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs).
  • Great Lakes Coastal Resiliency Study

    The Great Lakes Coastal Resilience Study is a comprehensive watershed assessment of the Great Lakes coastal areas and identifies coastal areas that could be vulnerable to future storms, flooding, extreme low or high water levels, erosion, and accretion; the identification of a range of actions to improve coastal resiliency; and the development of a collaborative-risk informed-decision framework to support the identification and prioritize of coastal investments by federal, state, and local governments, Tribal Nations, and nongovernmental organizations. The study is an estimated 6 year and $14.4 million cost-shared study with the Great Lakes states: Illinois, Indiana, New York, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
  • Great Lakes Fishery and Ecosystem Restoration Program (GLFER)

    Under the GLFER program, the Corps of Engineers plan, design, and construct projects to restore and protect aquatic habitat.