Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Joint Public Notice Notification of Standard Service Areas for Ohio

Buffalo District
Published Sept. 20, 2024

Currently in Ohio, the Guidelines for Wetland Mitigation Banking and In-Lieu Fee Programs in Ohio, Version 2.0, September 2020 (Wetland Guidelines) and Guidelines for Stream Mitigation Banking and In-Lieu Fee Programs in, Ohio Version 1.1, March 2016 (Stream Guidelines), recommend standard service areas consisting of single U.S. Geological Survey 8-digit Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs). The USACE, in consultation with the IRT, evaluated the existing service areas recommended in the Guidelines and found that there are several small 8-digit HUCs in the State (area), that some 8-digit HUCs span state lines thereby resulting in only a small portion of the 8-digit HUC being located within the State boundary, and that several 8-digit HUCs have individually not proven to be viable to support effective third-party compensatory mitigation.

Direct link to the public notice:

Chick Lock

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