Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Review Plan for Wolf Creek Water Control Manual

Nashville District
Published Aug. 5, 2024
Expiration date: 12/1/2025

The main purpose of a water control manual is to document how the project is to operate for day-to-day use in water control for essentially all foreseeable conditions affecting a project or system. Wolf Creek is a storage project located at mile 460.9 on the Cumberland River near Jamestown, Kentucky.  Its original congressionally authorized primary purposes are flood control and hydropower. Through subsequent legislation, its authorized purposes also include water quality and recreation. The current WCM for Wolf Creek was prepared by Sverdrup Corporation under contract to the Nashville District USACE and is dated December 1998. The update of the Wolf Creek WCM is expected to include an update to the style and format of the document to meet current standards and regulations, updates to various charts and plots with observed data, and updates to the contact information.  The update of the water control plan within the WCM should include the terms and conditions of the final assessment outlined in the March 2014 FWS Biological Opinion                                                                                

Chick Lock

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