Contractors working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District install a 23-foot-tall concrete shaft enclosure weighing approximately 120,000 pounds as part of the guard wall at the Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 2023.

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Tag: visitor assistance
  • June

    Park Ranger profession a great gig for college grads and beyond

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (June 4, 2024) – If you are a college graduate looking for an exciting profession where you can safeguard public lands and assist visitors at Corps lakes, recreation areas, and campgrounds, then being a park ranger just might be your gig.
  • March

    Workshop equips park rangers with tools of the trade

    PADUCAH, Ky. (March 11, 2024) – Corps of Engineers officials equipped park rangers throughout the Cumberland River Basin with the tools of the trade during a workshop March 5-7 at the West Kentucky Community and Technical College Emerging Technology Center in Paducah, Kentucky.
  • August

    New patrol boat enhances Lake Cumberland visitor assistance

    LAKE CUMBERLAND, Ky. – (Aug. 8, 2022) – Park rangers at Lake Cumberland are better equipped to assist and educate visitors and enforce regulations with the purchase of a new patrol boat with enhanced capabilities.
Chick Lock

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