Contractors working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District install a 23-foot-tall concrete shaft enclosure weighing approximately 120,000 pounds as part of the guard wall at the Monongahela River Locks and Dam 4 in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, Nov. 16, 2023.

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Tag: Kentucky
  • August

    Removal efforts resume at Green River Dam No. 5

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with
  • USACE Rangers place buoys for boater safety ahead of holiday weekend

    Three U.S. Army Corps of Engineers rangers and a ranger intern spent the morning placing danger buoys on Lake Barkley, Aug. 14, 2024, to notify boaters of shallow water.
  • Cadets visit Nashville for engineering, construction, operations insight

    NASHVILLE Tenn. (Aug. 9, 2024) -- People come visit Nashville from all over. They come for any number of reasons, to see a sports game, to celebrate an event or even to hear some country music. But in the case of four engineering cadets with the Reserve Officers' Training Corps, they are in Nashville to see the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District and to get insight of engineering, construction, and operations missions the district supports in the Cumberland River and Tennessee River basins and an area of operations encompassing parts of seven states.
  • June

    Park Ranger profession a great gig for college grads and beyond

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (June 4, 2024) – If you are a college graduate looking for an exciting profession where you can safeguard public lands and assist visitors at Corps lakes, recreation areas, and campgrounds, then being a park ranger just might be your gig.
  • May

    Go take a hike on Nashville District’s extensive network of trails

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 31, 2024) – On the eve of National Trails Day June 1, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District takes the opportunity to shed light on its extensive network of trails surrounding its 10 lakes in the Cumberland River Basin, spanning Tennessee and Kentucky.
  • USACE contractor prioritizes people with Kentucky Lock safety milestone

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (May 16, 2024) – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District in partnership with project contractor, Thalle Construction, surpassed one million man-hours without a lost time accident on the Kentucky Lock Addition project May 3, 2024.
  • March

    Workshop equips park rangers with tools of the trade

    PADUCAH, Ky. (March 11, 2024) – Corps of Engineers officials equipped park rangers throughout the Cumberland River Basin with the tools of the trade during a workshop March 5-7 at the West Kentucky Community and Technical College Emerging Technology Center in Paducah, Kentucky.
  • January

    All signs point to Lake Cumberland

    SOMERSET, Ky. (Jan. 17, 2024) – In 1969, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District produced a pamphlet titled “A Vacation Paradise…Lake Cumberland.” Back in those days, there were no smartphones, or portable computers, and Google had not been invented. In fact, the first GPS satellite was not launched until 1978. How in the world did thousands and thousands of visitors find their way to the shores of Lake Cumberland? They followed the signs.
  • October

    USACE lauds Kentucky Lock Addition Project contractor for safety milestone

    GRAND RIVERS, Ky. (Oct. 23, 2023) – Thalle Construction Company celebrated reaching 500,000 labor hours without a lost time accident in constructing a larger navigation lock on the Tennessee River. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District recognized the remarkable milestone last week and thanked construction workers for their role in delivering a project of national significance.
  • Nashville District showcases projects to Army’s assistant secretary for Civil Works

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Oct. 16, 2023) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District showcased two of its mega construction projects on the Tennessee River and its hydropower rehabilitation efforts at Barkley Dam on the Cumberland River last week to the assistant secretary of the Army for Civil Works.
Chick Lock

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