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Schmidt's accomplishments ensure health of environment for future generations

Louisville District
Published March 24, 2022
Updated: March 24, 2022

Management and cleanup of contaminated Department of Defense sites throughout Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan requires a team of skilled and knowledgeable people. One outstanding employee who supports this mission is Angela Schmidt. She is a senior biologist who began her career with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District in December 2005.
Schmidt has been instrumental in the successful completion of numerous Formerly Used Defense Site, Base Realignment and Closure and Installation Restoration Program projects. She is an ecological and human health risk assessor in Engineering Division’s Environmental Branch and has worn many hats including a temporary assignment as the Superfund and Interagency/International Services program manager with the Great Lakes and Ohio River Division. For her accomplishments in support to the environmental restoration efforts for the Department of Defense, Schmidt received the 2020 Outstanding Achievement Award.
“As a lead environmental risk assessor for Louisville District, Angela is not only a dedicated professional, but a consummate champion for the development of young, inspiring environmental professionals,” said Marty Wahking, Environmental Branch chief.
Schmidt is currently a member of the Camp James A. Garfield project delivery team, among many others, and has been a key factor in educating contractors on how USACE and the Department of Defense conducts business. Through her technical skills and regulatory knowledge, Schmidt helps direct project partners toward cost effective solutions for customers.
When asked what she liked about her job, Schmidt replied, “There are many things I enjoy about my job but the most important thing I do is to make sure that any of the sites I work on are left safe and clean when they are closed.”
As part of the restoration process, Schmidt is known to focus her efforts on expediting cleanup and reducing costs where possible.
“I also enjoy solving complex issues at the environmental remediation sites and work hard to try and get them remediated and out of the system,” said Schmidt.
When she is not working, Schmidt is most likely caring for the environment or helping people. She serves as the secretary/treasurer for the Ohio Valley Chapter of the Society of Toxicology and Chemistry and volunteers with several environmental groups such as the Ohio River Foundation. Schmidt is involved with her church where she teaches second grade religious studies. As an educator, Schmidt also teaches biology for Vincennes University and is often found in classrooms giving presentations on bats, dinosaurs and other scientific topics.
“She is a caring and selfless person, always willing to help others, and it is a great pleasure to have Angela as part of our environmental family,” said Wahking.
When Schmidt is not busy with work or after work activities, she will still probably be found near the water fishing or boating.

Chick Lock

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