U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Great Lakes and Ohio River Division Commander Brig. Gen. Mark C. Quander visited the Louisville VA Medical Center construction site in Louisville, Kentucky

Our Leadership

Mr. David Romano

Deputy Engineer

Buffalo District
Published Dec. 5, 2023

David Romano serves as the District Deputy District Engineer and Senior Civilian for the Buffalo District since January 2015.  In this position, Mr. Romano is responsible for the District business management and program delivery, assuring that assigned local, regional, and national programs are executed within budget and schedule.  As Chief of the Planning, Programs and Project Management Division, David provides leadership in establishing and maintaining processes to manage the scope, quality, budget and schedules of all district projects.  He manages and directs all programmatic activities, including program and budget development, preparation for Congressional testimony, oversight of program execution and reprogramming actions.  Further, he is responsible for all civil works planning functions for the District, including plan formulation, economics and environmental resources.

Mr. Romano’s previous assignments include serving as a Program and Project Manager supporting the Formerly Utilized Sites Program (FUSRAP).  In 2005, he was appointed Chief of Programs Management for the District and also served details as Chief of Programs and Project Management on two occasions.  In 2009, he was promoted to the Chief of Planning responsible for the development and completion of all plans while serving as the District subject matter expert on civil works planning procedures and policies.

In 2011, Mr. Romano completed a six month deployment to the Afghanistan North District in Kabul, Afghanistan.  He initially deployed as the Afghanistan National Army Branch Chief and was elevated to Deputy Director of Program Management.   Mr. Romano also completed a temporary detail in 2012 as a Great Lakes and Ohio River Division (LRD) Program Manager, responsible for all activities related to the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study and LRD Aquatic Invasive Species efforts.

In 2018, Mr. Romano served as the LRD Acting Regional Business Director for approximately four months, providing executive strategic leadership and technical expertise for the Division and its seven districts located in Chicago, IL; Detroit, MI; Buffalo, NY; Pittsburg, PA; Huntington, WV; Louisville, KY; and Nashville, TN in operating as a Regional Business Center.  Mr. Romano was the lead liaison between regional functional boards and the seven District offices.

Mr. Romano earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Science from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh with a Minor in Criminal Justice in 1993.  He also maintains Project Management Professional, USACE Level 2 Project Manager and Facility Engineer certifications.

Mr. Romano’s awards include two Commander's Awards for Civilian Service, an Achievement Medal for Civilian Service, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Medal, Department of Defense Civilian Service Medal and a Civilian Combat Service Pin.  In addition, he was recognized as a Distinguished Team Leader by the Buffalo Federal Executive Board, Excellence in Government Awards. 

Chick Lock

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