There are two campgrounds at Carr Creek Lake open April through October. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers operates Littcarr Campground located on Highway 160. Kentucky Department of Parks maintains Carr Creek State Park Campground located on Highway 15. Advance reservations are offered at both campgrounds.
Littcarr Campground:
Littcarr Campground offers excellent camping opportunities with a total of 45 campsites. For the RV camper, all of the campsites have water and electric hook ups. A total of 14 sites now have sewer hook ups, these sites are $28.00 per night unless you receive the 50% discount. Tent campers are also welcome to enjoy our standard campsites. The fee for standard camping is $22 per night. Golden Age and Access cards are still accepted for the 50% discount on camping. The new passes America the Beautiful Access and Age cards are also accepted for the 50%. Reservations for camping are accepted and should be made by calling toll free 1 (877) 444-6777. Make reservations on the Internet at Ice, firewood, coin operated washers and dryers, soft drink machines and a pay telephone are also available. For convenience, major credit cards are accepted for camping, picnic shelter reservations and other fees.
Littcarr Campground - Rules and Regulations
This handy rules and regulation pamphlet is a supplement to Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations under which all US Army Corps of Engineers’ project land and waters are protected, please ensure you have a copy of the Title 36 brochure as well. So that the many visitors and the campground itself are protected we ask that the following rules and regulations be observed at all times.
1. All Campers and visitors are required to register with the Park Attendants. Please stop every time you pass the entrance and display a vehicle Camper and or Visitor Pass. The Corps of Engineers charges a visitor fee of $1.00 per person or a maximum of $3.00 per vehicle. Due to limited space available if there are more than two visitor vehicles per campsite; arrangements should be made to park those vehicles in other parking lots in the area. Boat trailers should be parked at the turn- around area near site 19 and not on the grass next to your site.
2. Camping is limited to fourteen (14) consecutive days in any thirty (30) day period. Camping is permitted only at designated campsites. Due to limited space available occupancy is limited to six (6) people per night and two (2) vehicles per site. Camping equipment is limited to one primary and one secondary unit, such as one trailer or motor home and one small tent.
3. Quiet Hours are from 10:00pm to 6:00am daily. Excessive noise during this period is prohibited.
4. Parents are responsible for their children at all times. Children should be supervised while using playground equipment and kept away from the playground during quiet hours.
5. The discharge of gray water or any other waste material, or waste liquid is prohibited. The washing of vehicles, campers, ATV’s or any equipment is prohibited. No bathing of pets in the restroom, shower house or laundry room areas.
6. The entrance security gate is provided for your protection and to assist with quiet hour enforcement. The gate closes at 10:00 pm and opens at 8:00 am. To assist us with security and quiet hours we ask that this rule be specifically observed. Should the need to obtain the gate combination occur those requests will be assessed on an individual basis.
7. Please observe the maximum 15 mph speed limit or even drive slower if you prefer. Please limit vehicle usage for entering and leaving the campground as much as possible, our roadway is narrow and this lessons the chance for an accident and makes for a more peaceful atmosphere as well. All wheeled vehicles should be parked in designated parking areas. Due to resulting damage to turf, parking wheeled vehicles on the grass should be avoided as much as possible.
8. ATV (All Terrain Vehicles) and ORV (Off Road Vehicles) use in the campground area is prohibited. The use of golf carts is permitted but should be limited to necessary dumpster, bathroom visits, etc. not for joy riding and not to be driven by anyone under 16 years of age.
9. Due to previous accidents and close calls, bicycles are only allowed between sites 1 thru 19 and not between sites 20 thru 28, the new B loop, or the hill going to the old water treatment building.
10. Local law prohibits alcoholic beverages throughout the project area.
11. All loaded firearms, ammunition, projectile devices, weapons, explosives, including fireworks are prohibited.
12. Fires are permitted only in provided fire rings. Fires must be contained inside the fire ring.
13. Horseshoe pits are located behind campsites 16-17. Due to resulting damage to turf and other hazards please do not play horseshoes out side of the designated area. Horseshoes are available for check-out from the Park Attendants.
14. Please put all trash in the dumpster located at the end of the entrance bridge. Plastics bags are available upon request. Utilizing this type refuse disposal significantly reduces our costs to operate our campground. Please keep your site clean and neat during your stay, trash left on your site after your departure is considered littering and could result in your receiving a citation for littering.
15. Check-out time is 3:00pm – earlier notice is always appreciated.
Please report disruptive behavior to the Park Attendants and or a Park Ranger.
These rules and regulations are established by the US Army Corps of Engineers at Carr Creek Lake and are being provided to you by the Park Attendants for your informed stay at Littcarr Campground.
Thank you for staying with us, we hope it was an enjoyable visit, please come back soon!
Campground Phone Number 606-642-3052
Corps of Engineers Office Phone Number 606-642-3308