
Paint Creek Lake

Huntington District
Published Jan. 5, 2024


Paint Creek Lake
Paint Creek Lake
Paint Creek Lake
Photo By: Huntington District
VIRIN: 240111-A-A1409-003

Flood Risk Management
Paint Creek Dam  was authorized by Section 4 of Flood Control Act of 1938. The primary project purposes are flood risk reduction, water supply storage for Greenfield, OH, low flow augmentation, recreation, and water quality improvement for Chillicothe, OH. Land includes 9,614 fee acres and 568 flowage easement acres. There are three recreation areas at the project. The Corps of Engineers recreation areas include a day use area. Paint Creek State Park comprises most of the recreational facilities on the project. The project also provides municipal water supply to approximately 6,000 citizens in Highland and Ross Counties. The dam was completed July 1973 and serves a drainage area of 576 square miles, taking in portions of five counties. The lake is impounded by an earth and rockfill embankment dam, 118 feet tall and 700 feet long. The 1,900 ft. long spillway contains three 57 x 37 ft. tainter gates supported by 10-ft. piers. The intake structure has two 7.5 x 15 ft. hydraulic tractor gates, discharging through a 16-ft. diameter circular tunnel 1,011 ft. long into a jump-type stilling basin. The low flow system has two inlets at invert elevations 789 and 770, with discharge controlled by a 3 x 5 ft. slide gate. Other structures include one random earth and rockfill dike at the right abutment of the spillway, 70 ft. tall and 1,330 ft. long and 25 ft. wide at the top. There is also a random earth and rockfill levee located seven miles northwest of the dam. This levee is 43 ft. tall and 1,280 ft. long that protects the Greenfield waste water treatment plant. Little Pond Dam is a component of the project.


Rules & Regulations

General Policies
A full list of Federal regulations that apply to all US Army Corps of Engineers properties can be found in Title 36 of the United States Code (USC). Title 36, The Rules and Regulations that Govern Corps of Engineers Water Resource Projects.

Possession of firearms in a federal facility, including locks, dams, power plants, ranger stations, buildings, switchyards, recreation facilities, warehouses, and offices is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes the storage or transporting of a personally owned firearm in controlled access parking areas or Government vehicles, heavy equipment, boats and vessels under the operational control of the District regardless of its location. Exceptions for Federal employees are only allowed for Federal law enforcement officers or where possession of a firearm is specifically authorized by law.

Fireworks, along with explosives, firearms and other weapons are prohibited on Government Property. Detailed information can be found in Title 36, The Rules and Regulations that Govern Corps of Engineers Water Resource Projects, Section 327.13.

Paint Creek Lake 
504 Reservoir Road; Rapid Forge Road 
Bainbridge, OH 45612