
Ashland 1 Site

Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program

Buffalo District
Published Dec. 8, 2023
Updated: Dec. 13, 2023

From 1944 to 1946, during operation of the Linde Air Products uranium ore processing facility, approximately 8,000 tons of low-grade uranium ore tailings were stored at an area known as the Haist Property (now the Ashland 1 Site). In 1960, the property was transferred to the Ashland Oil Company (now Ashland Chemical Company) for use in the company's oil refinery activities.

Sampling conducted by the Corps of Engineers during cleanup of the Ashland 2 Site, found that portions of Rattlesnake Creek near the Ashland 2 Site had been impacted by FUSRAP material, and required cleanup. An Explanation of Significant Differences was issued in 2004 to include Rattlesnake Creek in the Ashland Record of Decision.

Project Status

A Record of Decision (ROD) for the Ashland 1, Seaway Area D, and Ashland 2 Sites was signed on April 20, 1998. The cleanup at the Ashland 1 Site was completed in 2003, with 173,000 tons of material excavated and shipped offsite for disposal.

Remediation of Rattlesnake Creek began in May 2005 and was completed in September 2005. Over 33,000 tons of material was excavated and shipped offsite for disposal. The cleanup of Rattlesnake Creek completes the remediation of all areas included in the 1998 Record of Decision.

The Corps of Engineers completed the Ashland Completion Report in October 2006, which closes out the 1998 Record of Decision. The Corps officially observed the completion of the work at the sites on September 14, 2006 – to commemorate the many years of hard teamwork and public support.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Legacy Management will assume responsibility for the Ashland 1, Ashland 2, Seaway Area D, and Rattlesnake Creek Sites on October 31, 2008.

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478 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14202