Public Review Documents & Approved Review Plans

Tag: Tennessee
  • Public Meeting set April 8, 2024, for Foxland Harbor Marina project

    Expiration date: 4/9/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District is co-hosting a public meeting at 6 p.m. on April 8, 2024, along with the applicant, Foxland Harbor Marina, LLC, to provide further information regarding the proposed Foxland Harbor Marina Project on Old Hickory Lake in Sumner County, Tennessee. The location is the Foxland Event Center located at 1445 Foxland Boulevard in Gallatin, Tennessee.
  • Gainesboro, Tennessee. Scoping Notice for a Proposed Lease of Roaring River Park to Jackson County

    Expiration date: 4/8/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Nashville District, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), is completing a NEPA evaluation for a proposed action to lease the Roaring River Recreation Area to Jackson County, Tennessee. The recreation area is located east of Nashville on the Cordell Hull Lake Reservoir in Jackson County TN, near the town of Gainesboro.
  • Navigation Notice 24-03: Cheatham Lock closing for repairs

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District announces Cheatham Lock at Cumberland River mile 148.6 in Ashland City, Tennessee, is closing for repairs on the upstream sector gear 9 a.m. Feb. 13 to 5 p.m. Feb. 16, 2024.
  • Foxland Harbor Marina Scoping Notice

    Expiration date: 3/2/2024

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Nashville District, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and applicable implementing regulations, is initiating scoping to evaluate the potential impacts of a proposed Foxland Harbor Marina Project, Sumner County, Old Hickory Reservoir, Tennessee.
  • Navigation Notice 24-02: Pickwick Main Lock closing for repairs

    Pickwick Main Lock at Tennessee River mile 206 is closing to navigation March 18 to May 9, 2024 while the USACE Light Capacity Fleet installs components on the upper miter gates in preparation for future maintenance repairs.
Chick Lock

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