Administrative Appeal Process

The administrative appeal process enables an affected party to appeal certain USACE decisions with which they disagree while potentially avoiding the cost or delay of court litigation.

Decisions that can be appealed

  • Denied individual permits
  • Proffered individual permits
  • Approved jurisdictional determinations

These appealable decisions are most commonly made by USACE district offices, and requests for appeal of these decisions are submitted to the next higher authority, most commonly the Corps division offices. It is the policy of the Corps of Engineers to promote and maintain an administrative appeal process that is independent, objective, fair, prompt, and efficient.

Requests for appeal must be received by the division office within 60 days from the date of the appealable decision. When an appeal is accepted, a site visit, appeal conference, or meeting may be conducted. The division engineer will make a determination on the merits of the appeal based on a review of the district’s administrative record, and either confirm the district’s initial decision or remand the decision to the district for reconsideration. The division engineer will make a final decision on the merits of the appeal at the earliest practicable time.

Regulations and Guidance

Appendices included in the administrative appeal regulation

  • Appendix A: Administrative Appeal Process for Permit Denials and Proffered Permits
  • Appendix B: Applicant Options with Initial Proffered Permit
  • Appendix C: Administrative Appeal Process for Approved Jurisdictional Determinations
  • Appendix D: Process for Unacceptable Request for Appeal


Administrative Appeals Officer

(513) 310-4196

Current Status of Appeal Decisions

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DistrictAppellentFile #Appeal TypeDate ReceivedDate CompletedAppeal DecisionFinal District ActionDecision Document
BuffaloThe Cove Seafood and Banquets2007-1316Jurisdictional Determination5/21/202411/15/2024Has MeritPendingView Document
ChicagoLBL Development, LLC2008-1217Jurisdictional Determination2/9/2024PendingPendingPending 
BuffaloBenderson Development Company2007-1542Jurisdictional Determination5/1/202410/24/2024Has MeritJurisdiction ModifiedView Document
ChicagoCrossroads Young Mens Christian Association2023-611Jurisdictional Determination7/23/20249/17/2024WithdrawnN/A 
NashvilleNally & Hamilton Enterprises, LLC2023-270Jurisdictional Determination4/12/20249/10/2024Has MeritJurisdiction Modified 
NashvilleLincoln Property Company2023-141Jurisdictional Determination12/8/20235/14/2024No MeritN/A 
ChicagoCrossroads Young Mens Christian Association2023-611Jurisdictional Determination3/29/20244/3/2024WithdrawnN/A 
BuffaloGuided Land Development, LLC2021-215Jurisdictional Determination1/30/20232/29/2024Has MeritJurisdiction Maintained 
BuffaloConcord Village Phase Two, LLC2019-299Jurisdictional Determination1/13/202311/20/2023Has MeritJurisdiction Modified 
BuffaloSix50 Sodus, Inc2020-1499Permit Denial2/2/202310/1/2023Has MeritPermit Denial 
DetroitThomas Schafer2015-841-12Proffered Permit9/21/20184/25/2023WithdrawnWithdrawn 
LouisvilleMichael Knapke2019-836Jurisdictional Determination10/23/20204/4/2023Has MeritJurisdiction Modified 
ChicagoJohn Brill2021-578Jurisdictional Determination10/8/20218/26/2022Has MeritJurisdiction ModifiedView Document
ChicagoAllan Fefferman2021-124Jurisdictional Determination4/2/20216/29/2022WithdrawnN/A 
NashvilleTerah Huckabee2018-784Jurisdictional Determination2/4/20219/22/2021WithdrawnN/A 
HuntingtonJanssen Farming Group Inc.2014-929Jurisdictional Determination10/23/201511/2/2020No MeritN/A 
ChicagoTruck Center Kostich2019-827Jurisdictional Determination1/8/20201/10/2020WithdrawnN/A 
ChicagoVillage of Plainfield2018-901Jurisdictional Determination12/23/20191/2/2020WithdrawnN/A 
ChicagoTJL Properties VIII LLC2019-215Jurisdictional Determination8/2/201910/7/2019WithdrawnN/A 
DetroitDavid Almeter1994-560164Permit Denial6/9/20175/30/2019Has MeritProffered Permit 
LouisvilleMerlin Martin2014-921Jurisdictional Determination1/19/201610/13/2017Has MeritJurisdiction Maintained 
LouisvilleLisa Nutt2016-1050Jurisdictional Determination3/2/201710/12/2017Has MeritJurisdiction Maintained 
PittsburghThe Marshall County Coal Company2016-130Jurisdictional Determination10/17/20167/7/2017WithdrawnN/A 
BuffaloSterling Business Park1996-97613Jurisdictional Determination10/11/20165/5/2017Has MeritJurisdiction Modified 
HuntingtonFour S Development2014-738Jurisdictional Determination3/16/20167/20/2016Has MeritJurisdiction Maintained 
PittsburghOxford Mining Company LLC2009-1847Proffered Permit1/7/20164/8/2016WithdrawnN/A 
DetroitKelly Graham2000-380420Proffered Permit5/15/20158/18/2015WithdrawnN/A 
BuffaloCity of Brook Park2014-543Jurisdictional Determination11/17/20147/14/2015Has MeritJurisdiction Maintained 
HuntingtonLake Mohawk Property Owners Assn.2010-891Jurisdictional Determination3/28/20142/2/2015Has MeritJurisdiction Maintained 
LouisvilleCAM Mining2007-69Jurisdictional Determination6/7/20138/4/2014No MeritN/A 
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