William Pater
11292 Middle Point Road
Eagle Harbor, MI 49950
Project Location
The site is located at 11292 Middle Point Road, Eagle Harbor, Section 31, Township 59 N, Range 29 W, Keweenaw County, Michigan, 49950.
Federal Authority
The applicant has applied for a Department of the Army permit under Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
State Authority
Section 401 of the Clean Water Act requires that all discharges of dredged or fill material must be certified by the State as complying with applicable effluent limitations and water quality standards. Coastal Zone Management Certification (or waiver thereof) is required from the State of Michigan if this proposed activity would occur within the designated coastal zone.
Project Description
As shown on the attached plans, the applicant proposes the following work:
- Install a turbidity curtain prior to initiating in-water construction and remove it once work is complete.
- Install a L-shaped crib dock expansion on the east side of the existing crib dock, composed of two dock segments:
- Install a 30 foot by 8 foot crib dock, attached to the eastern side of the existing crib dock, 3 feet from its landward end and supported by an 8 foot long by 8 foot wide by 3 foot deep crib located on the eastern end of the new dock. Discharge up to 7 cubic yards of stone fill into the crib.
- Install a 38 foot by 8 foot crib dock, attached to the east end of the 30-foot dock and extending south. The 38-foot dock would be supported by an 8 foot long by 8 foot wide by 5 foot deep crib at its waterward end. Discharge up to 12 cubic yards of stone fill into the crib.
- Install a 4 foot by 8 foot dock segment on the waterward end of the new crib for a total dock length of 42 feet.
The purpose of the proposed work is to create a safe mooring location for the applicant’s boats, personal watercrafts, and seaplane.