
Delaware Lake

Huntington District
Published Jan. 5, 2024


Reservations, Fees & Passes
Camping reservations can be made at or calling 866-OHIOPARKS

Camping Fee:
$27 per night 

Day Use Fee:
$40 per night - Shelter

Delaware Lake 
3920 US Highway 23N 
Delaware, OH 43015

Recreation Opportunities

Visitor Center
No Visitor Center is available at this project. The project office can offer assistance. 

Launch ramps for the boating enthusiasts and fishermen are located at the Delaware Marina.

Camping at Delaware Lake is restricted to developed camping areas only - there is not random camping. The campground is a fee area, with sites. Some of these sites have electrical hookups. Also nearby is a boat launching ramp.

Picnic shelters are located at the Recreation Area and the State Park. ll shelters are available on a first come - first served basis EXCEPT WHEN RESERVED IN ADVANCE (a fee is required for reserving a shelter). Picnic shelters may be reserved by calling the project office. There are also picnic tables at all recreation areas on the Delaware Lake project.

Fishing is allowed from boats and shoreline, in and along Delaware Lake. Ohio fishing licenses are required.

Public hunting and trapping is allowed on all areas of Delaware Lake EXCEPT RECREATIONAL AREAS AND AREAS SPECIFICALLY POSTED. Ohio hunting licenses are required.

Delaware Lake marina, located at the Delaware State Park, provides visitors with docking facilities.

A swimming area is located at the Delaware State Park. No lifeguards are provided. Swim at your own risk.

Foot trails (Hiking) are located at the Delaware State Park.

Handicapped Access
Universally Accessible Facilities are provided at the Project Office, in the Recreation Area, etc.

General Policies
A full list of Federal regulations that apply to all US Army Corps of Engineers properties can be found in Title 36 of the United States Code (USC). Title 36, The Rules and Regulations that Govern Corps of Engineers Water Resource Projects

Possession of firearms in a federal facility, including locks, dams, power plants, ranger stations, buildings, switchyards, recreation facilities, warehouses, and offices is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes the storage or transporting of a personally owned firearm in controlled access parking areas or Government vehicles, heavy equipment, boats and vessels under the operational control of the District regardless of its location. Exceptions for Federal employees are only allowed for Federal law enforcement officers or where possession of a firearm is specifically authorized by law.

Fireworks, along with explosives, firearms and other weapons are prohibited on Government Property. Detailed information can be found in Title 36, The Rules and Regulations that Govern Corps of Engineers Water Resource Projects, Section 327.13. 

Delaware Lake  was authorized by Section 4 of Flood Control Act of 1938. The primary project purposes are flood risk reduction, low-flow augmentation, and recreation. The lake is impounded by a rolled earthfill dam 92 ft. tall, 18,600 ft. long, 15 ft. wide at the top and 480 ft. wide at the base with a gated concrete spillway. The dam was completed in July 1948 and serves a drainage area of 386 square miles. There is a 232 ft. long, gated spillway in the channel section of the dam with six 25 x 32 ft. tainter gates supported by 8-ft. piers and operated by individual electric hoists. The outlet works consist of five 6.5 ft. gated sluices through the spillway section and discharging into the stilling basin. Each sluice is provided with one slide gate hydraulically operated from a gallery through the dam. Other structures include Waldo Levee which protects the Village of Waldo, OH, 9 miles upstream from the dam. The rolled earthfill levee is 6,500 ft. long, 30 ft. tall, and 8 ft. wide with two pump stations. Land includes 7,703 fee acres and 2,428 flowage easement acres. There are four recreation areas at the project. The Corps of Engineers recreation areas include a day use area. Delaware State Park comprises most of the recreational facilities on the project.