
Yatesville Lake

Huntington District
Published Jan. 5, 2024


Yatesville Lake
Yatesville Lake
View of Yatesville Dam
Photo By: Huntington Ditrict
VIRIN: 240129-A-A1409-001

► Reservations, Fees & Passes
For camping reservations contact the Yatesville Lake State Park at (606) 673-1490.
Or visit:  Yatesville Lake State Park

Campground Fee:
$28 per night - Electric sites
$18 per night - Hike-in and boat-in sites

Day Use Fee:

► Contact
Yatesville Lake
708 Yatesville Dam Road 
Louisa, KY 41230




Visitor Center
There is no visitor center at this project. The project office can offer assistance. 

Launch ramps for the boating enthusiasts and fishermen are located at Barkers, Pleasant Ridge, Rich Creek and Twin Branch. Twin Branch is the only seasonable ramp. All other ramps can be utilized year round.

A sixty site campground is located at Pleasant Ridge (State Route 3215). Of the sixty sites, fifteen are boat accessible only. With the exception of the boat accessible sites, all other sites have water and electric. A dump station is available for use. The campground is managed by the Kentucky Department of Parks. For questions regarding the campground, contact the Yatesville Lake State Park Campground at (606) 673-1490.

A picnic shelter is located at the Barkers Launch Ramp Area. The shelter can be reserved by calling the Yatesville Lake State Park Marina at (606) 686-2361

Fishing is allowed from boats and the shoreline in and along Yatesville Lake. Kentucky fishing/hunting licenses and appropriate stamps are required.

Hunting area surrounds the western shore of the lake and is managed by Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Yatesville Lake State Park Marina is located at Barkers Launch Ramp area. The Marina is managed by KY Department of Parks and provides customers with docking facilities, boat rentals, boating/fishing and picnic supplies, etc. For information regarding the Marina call (606) 686-2361.

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Bicycles are permitted on main roads and in the campground

Horseback riding is permitted in certain areas at Yatesville Lake. There is a developed riding trail operated and managed by the Lawrence County Saddle Club. The trail is located in the Pleasant Ridge area off state route 3215 near the Eagle Ridge Golf Course.

Pleasant Ridge Trail is near the campground, and Mary Ingles Trail system is near the marina with a variety of choices from rugged wooded hiking to exercise paths.
The Yatesville Lake Multi-Use Trail is a large 20+ mile trail, open to hikers, backpackers, mountain bikers, and horseback riders.

Historical Info
A Wicket Dam Exhibit is located in the Project's Information Center. From 1875 until the turn of the century, the Corps of Engineers constructed a series of 53 wicket dams to canalize the Ohio River to meet the demands of year-round navigation beginning at Davis Island near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and traveling the length of the river to Cairo, Illinois. The exhibit depicts this process. An Oil Well Exhibit is located adjacent to the Project Office/Information Center parking lot. The oil well equipment was pulled from the oil field at Little Blaine Creek before the water from the lake covered the site. The exhibit depicts the common method of oil production at the turn of the century.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife manage the fish and wildlife programs through habitat improvement, nesting site development, and food-plot programs for the benefit of many fish and wildlife species. Game laws are enforced by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife. Hunting is permitted in marked areas. There is no hunting permitted in the areas around the dam or information center.

Universally Accessible
Universally Accessible Facilities are provided at the Project Office/Information Center, Marina and Barkers Launch Ramp Area. A Universal Access Fishing Jetty is located prior to entering the Barkers Launch Ramp Area. This jetty provides easy access and has proven to be an excellent fishing spot. A Universal Accessible Nature Trail is located behind Oil Well Exhibit adjacent to Project Office/Information Center parking lot.

General Policies
A full list of Federal regulations that apply to all US Army Corps of Engineers properties can be found in Title 36 of the United States Code (USC). Title 36, The Rules and Regulations that Govern Corps of Engineers Water Resource Projects

Possession of firearms in a federal facility, including locks, dams, power plants, ranger stations, buildings, switchyards, recreation facilities, warehouses, and offices is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes the storage or transporting of a personally owned firearm in controlled access parking areas or Government vehicles, heavy equipment, boats and vessels under the operational control of the District regardless of its location. Exceptions for Federal employees are only allowed for Federal law enforcement officers or where possession of a firearm is specifically authorized by law.

Fireworks, along with explosives, firearms and other weapons are prohibited on Government Property. Detailed information can be found in Title 36, The Rules and Regulations that Govern Corps of Engineers Water Resource Projects, Section 327.13. 

Flood Risk Management
Yatesville Lake was authorized by Section 204 of Flood Control Act of 1965. Primary project purposes are flood damage reduction, low flow augmentation, water quality and recreation. The dam was completed in 1988 and serves a drainage area of 208 square miles. The lake is impounded by a rock-fill dam with a central impervious core, founded on in-situ overburden, 105 ft. tall and 760 ft. long, with an uncontrolled broad-crested spillway. The outlet works include an intake structure with gated sluices discharging into a stilling basin.  Two selective withdrawal systems have a total of ten intakes.  Discharge is controlled by a slide gate and by-pass in each well. Proposed hydropower plant which would include 2-3 turbines with a capacity of 12,000 kilowatts. There are six recreation areas including two Corps managed day use areas.