Great Lakes Navigation System (GLNS)

Published Jan. 22, 2024
Updated: Feb. 6, 2024

Map of federal harbors on the Great Lakes.
Federal Harbors on the Great Lakes
Photo By: Lucas Morrow
VIRIN: 240122-F-IQ439-001
The Great Lakes Navigation System (GLNS) is an extensive deepwater navigation network that spans 1,600 miles, encompassing all five Great Lakes and connecting channels from Duluth, Minnesota, to Ogdensburg, New York.

There are 60 commercial and 80 recreational harbors, two operational locks, 104 miles of breakwaters and jetties, and over 600 miles of well-maintained navigation channels. Additionally, the GLNS is intricately linked to several other shallow draft waterways, such as the Illinois Waterway and New York State Barge Canal, forming a crucial waterborne transportation network that extends deep into North America.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers maintains the Great Lakes Navigation System by dredging channels and harbors, as well as constructing and maintaining coastal infrastructure.

Use the drop-down menus to select areas of interest. The hydrographic surveys provided by this application are to be used for informational purposes only and should not be used as a navigational aid. Channel conditions can change rapidly, and the surveys may or may not be accurate.

Hydrographic Survey Database

Navigation notices issued by Army Corps districts with a waterway navigation mission. These documents are disseminated according to EP 1130-2-520, Chapter 2, to inform mariners of information describing events that affect waterway navigation such as maintenance projects, hazards to navigation, and other pertinent information.

Navigation Notice Database

Policies issued by Army Corps districts with a waterway navigation mission. These documents are disseminated according to EP 1130-2-520, Chapter 2, to inform mariners of information describing events that affect waterway navigation such as maintenance projects, hazards to navigation, and other pertinent information.

Policy Notice Database

District commanders are responsible for preparing navigation charts for the inland waterways maintained by USACE.

Great Lakes Navigation Charts

Find detailed information on each maintained project. Each project is reviewed and updated yearly. Please contact the Great Lakes Navigation team if you need updated information.

Information Sheets & Project Maps

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