Chick Lock

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Tag: rough river
  • Rough River Dam Safety Modification Project

    DRAFT Rough River Dam Modification Project General Information USACE has completed an updated risk assessment which evaluated the current project risk as well as ways to reduce risk while Phase II of the Dam Safety Modification Project (construction of the cutoff wall) awaits additional funding. USACE Louisville District is implementing Interim
  • Rough River Lake

    Welcome to Rough River Lake. The lake is situated in Breckinridge, Hardin, and Grayson counties in south central Kentucky. The dam is located on the Rough River near the community of Falls of Rough, about 20 miles from Leitchfield and 95 miles southwest of Louisville. The 5,100-acre Rough River Lake provides a wide variety of outdoor recreational opportunities. The Corps, in cooperation with the Commonwealth of Kentucky, manages Rough River Lake’s land and water for wildlife, fisheries and recreation. The menu on the right leads to specific recreation and other lake information.
Chick Lock

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