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Tag: Section 202
  • Dickenson County Non-structural Flood Damage Reduction Project (Section 202)

    The Dickenson County Non-structural Flood Damage Reduction Project consists of voluntary floodproofing, relocations, floodplain acquisitions and demolition of structures, authorized under the Section 202 of the Energy and Water Development Appropriation Act of 1981. Section 202 was authorized by the Energy and Water Development Appropriation Act of 1981 and amended by Section 105 of the Energy and Water Development Act, 1997, as a response to flooding in the Tug and Levisa Fork basins.
  • Johnson County, KY Section 202 Flood Risk Management Project

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is working in close coordination with the Johnson County Fiscal Court and City of Paintsville officials on the Section 202 Johnson County Flood Risk Management Project, which is intended to reduce flood risk for the city of Paintsville, Kentucky. Quarterly public meetings will be held throughout the year to update
  • Lower Mud River

    The City of Milton, West Virginia, has a history of flooding dating back to the early 1900s. Several large record flood events have caused public safety issues and economic damage over the years. The need for flood risk management along the Mud River was identified many years ago and the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) completed a study of flooding in the watershed in 1993. NRCS’s recommended plan focused primarily on urban flooding around Milton.
  • Pike Levisa Detailed Project Report

    his Section 202 Flood Damage Reduction Project encompasses the areas located along the mainstem of the Levisa Fork in Pike County, Kentucky including all tributaries in the county that experienced flooding in April 1977. The local sponsor is the Pike County Fiscal Court and the cost-share percentage is 95% Federal and 5% non-Federal.
Chick Lock

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