The former Camp Sherman consists of 4,883 acres of land in Franklin Township, Ross County located approximately 7 miles south of Chillicothe, Ohio. The Camp Sherman Artillery Range MRS (Munitions Response Site), which comprises 940.7 acres was used to support artillery and small arms training during World War I. Currently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is conducting a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study at the Artillery Range MRS.
During World War I, Camp Sherman was used as an artillery range by the U.S. Army. Between January and June of 1918, the 322nd, 323rd, and 324th Field Artillery Regiments of the 158th Field Artillery Brigade, 83rd Infantry Division used the former Stoney Creek Artillery Range for artillery practice. On June 2, 1918, the 158th Field Artillery Brigade departed Camp Sherman for deployment overseas. When the leases expired, the land was returned to the control of its owners.