Chick Lock

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Beach City Lake

Huntington District
Published Jan. 10, 2024

Beach City Dam is located near the northern border of Tuscarawas County, Ohio, on Sugar Creek, a tributary of the Tuscarawas River, about nine miles above New Philadelphia, Ohio. The dam was completed in 1936 for flood control and water conservation in the Muskingum Watershed area. The embankment has a height of 64 feet and crest width of 35 feet. The dam is 5600 feet long and of that 1600 feet is the main embankment having an impervious core with pervious shells. The dike extension of the dam is impervious fill and has a height of 5 to 20 feet. A weir just above the intake structure maintains the reservoir level. Gates are 7X15 feet caterpillar type, located in the intake structure. Beach City also operates three levees and a pump station at Brewster, Ohio, located 5 ½ miles upstream of the dam. 

Chick Lock

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