Manistee Harbor, Michigan is located on the east shore of Lake Michigan, 179 miles northeasterly from Chicago, IL, and 26 miles northerly from Ludington, Michigan. The project was authorized by Rivers and Harbors Acts of March 2, 1867; September 19, 1890; July 25, 1912; July 3, 1920; March 2, 1945; and, July 14, 1960. The existing project provides for an entrance channel in Lake Michigan 25 feet deep, 570 feet wide, extending 1,600 feet to the outer end of the south pier; thence a channel in the river with suitable widening at bends 23 feet deep, 250 to 220 feet wide, and 2,000 feet long; thence with a minimum of 100 feet and depth of 23 feet from the inner end of the north revetment to Manistee Lake, a distance of about 6,400 feet; for a south breakwater having a main arm 1,300 feet long and a shore connection 1,185 feet long; for a north pier and revetment 2,797 feet long; for a south pier and revetment 770 feet long. Facilities exist on Lake Manistee to handle coal, sand, salt, and general cargo.