Ashland Harbor is located at the head of Chequamegon Bay, on the south shore of Lake Superior, about 65 miles east of Duluth, MN. The project was authorized by Rivers and Harbors Acts of August 5, 1886; March 2, 1919; September 22, 1922; August 30, 1935; July 3, 1930; August 30, 1935; March 2, 1945; and, July 14, 1960; and the Water Resources Development Act of June 6, 1990. The existing project provides for a west channel 20 and 21 feet deep and an east basin 25 and 27 feet deep both extending lakeward from the harbor line and both protected by an 8,000-foot breakwater. The City of Ashland owns about 4,100 feet of waterfront for future public needs. Wharves for handling coal, ore, limestone, logs, and pulpwood are served by the project. Facilities are adequate for existing commerce.
Project Map
Dredging Information
Functional Map
eHydro Website
2023 Ashland Harbor PCS
2022 Ashland Harbor PCS
2021 Ashland Harbor PCS
2020 Ashland Harbor PCS
2017 Ashland Harbor PCS
2011 Ashland Harbor PCS