Project Description and Background
The project provides storm damage protection to the Lake Michigan shoreline and Lake Shore Drive, a major transportation artery in the city of Chicago.
The original shoreline structures, built in the early 1900s, have deteriorated and no longer function to protect against storms, flooding, and erosion. This project will replace existing infrastructure and construct new structures to protect the shoreline and critical infrastructure.
Current Status
The project non-federal sponsors are required to complete the remaining two segments of the project, Morgan Shoals (45th to 51st Street) and Promontory Point segment (54th to 56th Streets), with Corps oversight at their expense to fulfill their obligations under the existing PCA. However, WRDA 2022 language directs the Corps to cost share the Locally Preferred Plan for those two remaining segments.
A Third-Party Review of the Promontory Point segment of the project was federally funded in 2022 at $450,000 through BIL. The review will investigate historic rehabilitation of the segment with respect to the Secretary of Interior’s Standards.
Project Authorization
Sec 101, Water Resources Development Act of 1996 as amended.
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