Project Description and Background
This project provides technical planning, design and construction assistance to non-federal interests who have environmental infrastructure needs across Benton, Jasper, Lake, Newton and Porter Counties, Indiana. These needs include the development and protection of water supply and wastewater systems; combined sewer overflows; and remediation of adverse water quality impacts and storm water impacts from existing wastewater systems. Projects identified as appropriate under this authorization include improvements to wastewater and water supply treatment, distribution, and related facilities.
Current Status
Construction of the following projects will be completed in FY2023:
- Crown Point 101st Street Sewer Improvements Sewer
- Gary Sanitary District 27th and Chase Street Forcemain Rehab
- Gary Sanitary District Headworks Upgrade
- Lake Station Cross Road Pump Station Upgrade Phase 2
- Portage Sewer Improvement and Crown Point Main Street Sewer Improvements
Construction of the following projects will be started in FY2023:
- Gary Sanitary District 27th and Chase Street Forcemain Rehab Phase II (award 2/8/23)
- Lake Station Cross Road Pump Station Contract B (award 9/30/22)
- Independent Hill Conservancy District Pipelining (award 1/11/23)
- City of Hammond Dowling Pond Sewer Improvement (award 3/2023)
- Crown Point Liberty Estate Sewer Rehab (award 1/19/23)
The following projects will be initiated in FY2023. Planned work includes planning and design, execution of project partnership agreements (PPA), and construction contract award.
- Gary Sanitary District 27th & Chase Phase III Stormwater Improvement
- Town of Hebron Watermain Improvement
- City of Portage Storm Sewer Improvement
FY24 capability funds in the amount of $6,000,000 could be used to initiate the following projects:
- City of Hammond Phase II Sewer Improvement
- City of Saint John Sewer Improvement
- City of Crown Point Sewer Improvement
- City of Valparaiso Water Main replacement
- Gary Sanitary District 27th and Chase Phase 4
Project Authorization
Sec 219, Water Resources Development Act of 1992, as amended.
If you need reports for this project not listed on this page, please contact the Public Affairs Office at and let us know what report you are looking for.