Chick Lock

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Sheboygan Harbor

Chicago District
Published Jan. 9, 2024
Chicago Historic Photo Placeholder

Chicago Historic Photo

Project Description and Background

Deep draft commercial harbor with 4,000 linear feet of federal channel. Authorized project depth is 25 feet in the entrance channel, 21 feet in the inner harbor channel and turning basin up to the 8th Street bridge, and 15 feet upstream of the 8th Street bridge.

5,471 linear feet of rubble mound, steel sheet-pile, and timber crib breakwaters, piers, and revetments. Dredged material is placed on the beach as beach nourishment and upland as needed.

Maintenance dredging of approximately 7,000 to 12,000 cubic yards is required on a 5- to 10-year cycle.

Current Status

Phase I and II breakwater repairs are complete.

Project Authorization

Rivers & Harbors Act of 1907, 1927, 1935, and 1954

Chick Lock

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