Chick Lock

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Michigan City Harbor

Chicago District
Published Jan. 9, 2024
Chicago Historic Photo Placeholder

Chicago Historic Photo

Project Description and Background

Shallow draft commercial harbor that primarily serves recreational uses. Project depth is 14 feet in the harbor entrance, 12 feet in the outer harbor, 10 feet in turning basin No. 1, 10 feet in Trail Creek from turning basin No. 1 to turning basin No. 2, and 6 feet in Trail Creek from turning basin No. 2 to E. Street.

Harbor structures consist of 2,304 feet of timber crib breakwaters, a west pier 835 feet long, and an east pier 2,276 feet long. The federal channel is 2 miles long. Dredge material from Trail Creek has previously been disposed in landfills, though a new location is needed.

Port hosts a USCG Search and Rescue station and is a harbor of refuge. Maintenance of the harbor is required to allow the USCG to complete their mission and reduce the life-safety risk to all marine users.

Current Status

Planned activities include completion of a previously awarded stone placement contract; development of plans and specifications for repair of the east pier breakwater with award planned for late FY2023; development of plans and specifications for a dredging contract with award planned in late FY2024; and real estate activities required to manage out grants, real estate holdings, agreements, and rights of entry.

Project Authorization

Rivers and Harbors Acts of 1836, 1870, 1899, 1905, 1927, 1935, 1960, 1970, and Water Resources Development Acts 1986 and 1996

Chick Lock

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