Kenosha, Wisconsin -- Project Description and Background
This harbor is a deep draft commercial harbor that primarily serves recreational users, but also supports transitory barge traffic. Project depth is generally between 25 and 27 feet.
There are approximately 3,123 feet of breakwater and pier structures as well as 5,000 feet of maintained federal channel
Infrequent maintenance dredging is required at the outer end of the entrance channel. The harbor was last dredged in 2021.
This project serves as an important harbor of refuge and supports charter fishing and recreational navigation interests. The harbor community has established significant infrastructure around the harbor facilities that generates income from harbor users and visitors to the area. U.S. Coast Guard Station Kenosha is also located within the harbor.
Current Status
Planned work includes preparation of plans and specifications for dredging activities in the outer harbor and award of a construction contract.
Project Authorization
Rivers and Harbors Acts of 2 March 1907, 30 August 1935, 17 May 1950, and 23 October 1962