Calumet, Indiana -- Project Description and Background
Serves as a commercial harbor. Project depth is 29 feet in the approach channel, 28 feet in the outer harbor, and 27 feet in the main river channel. Approximately 12,153 feet of steel sheet pile and timber crib breakwater structures. The federal navigation channel within the harbor is 4.4 miles long.
Maintenance dredging in the river and harbor is regularly scheduled. River maintenance dredging last occurred in 2020 and harbor maintenance dredging last occurred in 2022. The dredged material is transported to the Chicago Area Confined Disposal Facility (CDF).
Routine maintenance of the Breakwater and Federal Channel is critical to maintain a safe and navigable waterway in this high-use port. This will reduce transportation cost of communities shipped within the Great Lake and the Nation.
Current Status
Breakwater repairs will start in the summer 2023 and are scheduled for completion by fall 2023 using the Corps fleet.
The CDF has reached its design capacity. Vertical expansion of the CDF is underway and scheduled for completion in FY2025. Once the vertical expansion of the CDF is completed, maintenance dredging can resume.
Plans and specifications for harbor dredging are under development. A construction contract is scheduled for award in fall 2023. Due to the CDF expansion, actual dredging will not be initiated until the completion of the expansion.
Project Authorization
Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, 1902, 1935, 1960, 1962, and 1965