Chick Lock

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  • Yatesville Lake

    Yatesville Lake is located entirely in Lawrence County, Kentucky, on Blaine Creek; a tributary of the Big Sandy River. It was built under the Flood Control Act of 1965. The dam is rockfill, with a central impervious core and founded on rock. The length of the lake and boatable arms is 20.6 miles upstream from the dam and 18.1 miles upstream from where it flows into the Big Sandy River.
  • Youghiogheny River Lake

    Provides flood protection for the Youghiogheny and lower Monongahela river valleys, and the upper Ohio River.
  • Zoar Levee and Diversion Dam

    United States Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District (District), is maintaining this website to provide updates and information on planned repairs to Zoar Levee and Diversion Dam, in accordance with the Programmatic Agreement (PA) among the District, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and Ohio State Historic Preservation Office. Zoar Levee and Diversion Dam, in Tuscarawas County, Ohio has been assigned a Dam Safety Action Classification 3 – Moderate Urgency for action project because the potential consequences to Zoar Village National Historic Landmark District are unacceptable.
Chick Lock

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