The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District, Military/IIS Project Management Branch Chief Rachael Haunz and Scott Air Force Base Area Engineer Jay Fowler provided an overview of the military construction program during a District Officer Introductory Course held at Scott AFB, Illinois, Dec. 9. Participants included mid-career officers, warrant officers and civilians across the enterprise who received their first assignment with the USACE.
“This course has been well organized,” Haunz said. “The coordination was very good. We knew the exact timing and how long the presentations needed to be.”
The course, which is a familiarity course, is intended to acquaint newly assigned USACE personnel with project management business processes, civil works, military construction, contracting, legal and emergency management. Haunz provided an overview of planning, programs and project management for military construction while Fowler provided details about how USACE constructs a military facility. He discussed Scott AFB key projects, construction contract management and the importance of managing multiple project schedules.
“I want participants to understand a base level of military construction,” said U.S. Army Capt. Maria Pascual, St. Louis District action officer. “I want everyone to leave with information to be value added to their team whether it be a product delivery team or emergency management team.”
The decision for the course to be presented at Scott AFB was coordinated between three districts that service the St. Louis, Missouri and Illinois area. Kansas City District and Louisville District presented an overview of the military construction while St. Louis District provided an insight to civil works.
“It has been phenomenal,” Pascual said. “Maj. Guandique, Rachael, Jay and Paul are complete professionals and were completely on board when we first decided to host this event here.”