The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District completed performing the first five-year review of the protectiveness of the selected remedy outlined in the 2009 record of decision for the Seaway Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Site, located within the 100-acre Seaway Industrial Park along River Road in the Town of Tonawanda, New York.
The selected remedy, Containment with Limited Off-site Disposal, requires the capping of Seaway Areas A, B, and C within the landfill boundaries. The cap for the FUSRAP-related material (soil contaminated with radium, thorium, uranium, and uranium daughter products) will be constructed of multiple layers of various types of soil, fabric, and geomembranes at least 4.5-feet thick. Long-term monitoring of FUSRAP-related materials in capped areas, surveillance, and maintenance will be performed by the federal government. The federal government will ensure that land-use controls are in place to prevent future access to and disturbance of the contained FUSRAP-related materials.