The Louisville District End of Year Award Ceremony

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News Releases

Archive: November, 2021
  • USACE completes substantial repair of confined disposal facility in Lorain Harbor

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Buffalo District and its contractor, Akron-based SAF, Inc., completed substantial repair of a confined disposal facility in the eastern end of Lorain Harbor on October 13, 2021. Construction on the approximately $300,000 project began in August and returned the CDF’s earthen berm to its initial design height and added seed cover for added stability and prevention of future erosion. These repairs will maintain the facility’s remaining capacity of nearly 300,000 CY for the placement of dredged sediment, allowing it to be used for the next two to three years of maintenance dredging in the harbor in support of the local industries and economy.
  • USACE completes substantial construction of beneficial use of dredged sediment placement area for new wetland in Ashtabula

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Buffalo District and its contractor, Michigan-based Great Lakes Docks and Materials, L.L.C., have completed substantial construction of a beneficial use of dredged sediment placement area in Ashtabula Harbor. This phase of the project included creation of a submerged 1,500 linear foot stone wall off the west and south portions of the Ashtabula Harbor East Breakwater at a cost of $6.5 million. The wall will retain approximately 400,000 cubic yards of dredged material used to create a new wetland ecosystem.
  • USACE hosting virtual public meeting for Barren River Lake Master Plan Review

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has updated its 1985 Master Plan for Barren River Lake located in
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Meeting for the Former Naval Air Station Grosse Ile

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Louisville District is scheduled to host a virtual public
  • USACE Buffalo District completes fiscal year with $205 million program

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District closed out fiscal year 2021 executing a $205 million program. The Corps of Engineers seeks to maximizes opportunities for small businesses to participate in projects and, in turn, for small businesses to help USACE strengthen and vitalize the nation’s economy.
  • FY22 LRD Open House Event

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Great Lakes and Ohio River Division will host an Open House on Wednesday, 01 December 2021 from 9AM to 4:15PM EST.
  • Record of Decision released for the former Harshaw Chemical Company FUSRAP site

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District, has released the Record of Decision for Operable Unit (OU) 1 and OU-2, Former Harshaw Chemical Company Site. The 55-acre former Harshaw Chemical Company Site, which is located at 1000 Harvard Avenue in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, is being addressed under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP).
  • Corps of Engineers and City of Duluth provide information on 2021 Minnesota Point beach nourishment and Section 111

    DULUTH, Minn., – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along with the City of Duluth provide information on the completion of 2021 Minnesota Point beach nourishment, maintenance dredging, beach cleanup and the congressionally funded Continuing Authorities Program (CAP) Section 111 study. The Corps of Engineers awarded the 2021 maintenance dredging contract July 14, 2021 to Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, based Roen Salvage Company. The Sturgeon Bay company dredged approximately 53,000 cubic yards (cy) of material from the Duluth-Superior Harbor navigation channel. This material nourished the beach on Minnesota Point. The Corps of Engineers originally planned to dredge and place nearly 100,000 cy. However, they reduced the amount of material due to stringent protocols and significant safeguards put in place to ensure the material was free from man-made debris. Stringent protocols included reducing the size of the transfer screen used to catch debris, adding contract conditions to monitor and stop production if debris is observed and increasing Corps of Engineers’ oversight of contactor operations.
  • Louisville District announces updates to long-term camping policy

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is continuing its two-year trial period of the long-term camping policy for select USACE managed campground sites in the Green River Area, where customers will be able to reserve a campsite for a maximum 90-day period.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District completes substantial repair of Vermilion Harbor east pier

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District and its contractor, Illinois-based Kovilic Construction Company Inc., completed substantial repairs of the Vermilion Harbor east pier on October 26, 2021. Construction on the $2.2 million project began in June and encompassed 70 feet of the most degraded section of the pier. Included in the construction were repairs to a mass concrete structure immediately adjacent to the existing timber crib, placement of new armor stone, reuse of existing cover stones, and installation of curved precast concrete blocks.
Chick Lock

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