The Louisville District End of Year Award Ceremony

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News Releases

Tag: civil works
  • Crooked River Lock restored to full operation

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District (USACE) fully restored operations Wednesday morning, July 5, to the Crooked River Lock in Alanson, Michigan. Specialized lock and dam maintainers from the Soo Locks arrived Monday evening to respond to concerns about the lower lock gate not opening when a brake malfunctioned and seized, not allowing the gate to move, shutting down the lock ahead of the popular boating July 4th holiday. Emmet County operates the USACE-owned lock through partnerships with the Corps of Engineers and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. The Crooked River Lock ensures water levels are maintained through the Inland Waterway system, providing recreational boating opportunities for thousands of Northern Michigan residents each year. The locks perform about 10,000 lockages per year.
  • New Lock at the Soo major construction continues

    SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New Lock at the Soo project remains on schedule as major construction continues with phases 2 and 3 this season. Joint ventures Kokosing-Alberici (Upstream Approach Walls, Phase 2), and Kokosing, Alberici, Traylor (New Lock, Phase 3) have a busy construction season ahead of them. “Since resuming major construction this season, the Phase 2 contractor has placed 13 concrete caps, bringing the total caps placed to 68 and preparation for placement of new steel sheets, steel posts and concrete panel wall are in progress,” New Lock Senior Project Manager Mollie Mahoney said. “The Phase 3 contractor plans to focus on demolition of aging structures, extensive electrical work, bridge construction, and coffer dam construction to allow for dewatering.”
  • New Lock at the Soo major construction continues

    SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New Lock at the Soo project remains on schedule as major construction continues with phases 2 and 3 this season. Joint ventures Kokosing-Alberici (Upstream Approach Walls, Phase 2), and Kokosing, Alberici, Traylor (New Lock, Phase 3) have a busy construction season ahead of them. “Since resuming major construction this season, the Phase 2 contractor has placed 13 concrete caps, bringing the total caps placed to 68 and preparation for placement of new steel sheets, steel posts and concrete panel wall are in progress,” New Lock Senior Project Manager Mollie Mahoney said. “The Phase 3 contractor plans to focus on demolition of aging structures, extensive electrical work, bridge construction, and coffer dam construction to allow for dewatering.”
  • President’s Budget supplies $159 million for Corps of Engineers Detroit District

    DETROIT — The President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) includes more than $7.4 billion in discretionary funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works program, with just over $159 million set aside for Detroit District projects. Of great regional significance is $3 million for the Great Lakes Coastal Resiliency Study, a project that includes the three Great Lakes Corps of Engineers Districts: Detroit, Buffalo and Chicago. The study will identify vulnerable coastal areas and recommend actions to bolster the coastal resources’ ability to withstand, recover from and adapt to future hydrologic uncertainty with respect to man-made and natural coastal environments. Recent high-water events across the Great Lakes brought about the study’s need. The Budget requests funding for investigations to provide local communities, including disadvantaged communities, with technical and planning assistance to enable them to reduce their flood risk, with emphasis on non-structural approaches. Investigation funding for the Detroit District includes a navigation study, Menominee River Deepening; an aquatic ecosystem restoration study, Rodgers Lake Habitat Pokagon Band; and three flood risk management studies, Peavine Creek Stabilization, Pokagon Band - Potawatami Tribe; South East Michigan; and Tittabawassee River Chippewa River, Pine River and Tobacco River.
  • Detroit District infrastructure grows $104 million stronger from FY23 Work Plan

    DETROIT – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District, is receiving $37 million in the Fiscal Year 2023 Work Plan for operations and maintenance (O&M) of Detroit District river and harbor projects, $67 million for construction projects and $370 thousand to conduct investigations. The FY23 Work Plan funding is in addition to the $127 million in the FY23 Appropriation Bill and $254 million in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding allocated in FY23. “This is an exciting opportunity for the Detroit District team to provide solutions to our regional infrastructure,” said Detroit District Commander Lt. Col. Brett Boyle. “Repairing, maintaining and improving our federal harbors and infrastructure is essential to bring resiliency to our communities, our economy and the environment. I know the Detroit District team and our partners are ready to deliver these historic investments!"
  • Water Resources Development Act of 2022 Implementation Guidance Update

    The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works is issuing this notice to update the public on the status of the implementation guidance for the 196 provisions in the Water Resources Development Act of 2022.
  • Water Resources Development Act of 2022 authorizes Pittsburgh District additional projects for civil works and studies to benefit water infrastructure

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District received new and increased authorizations to support water infrastructure and civil works projects within its 26,000 square-mile region with the approval of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2022, signed into law by President Joe Biden.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Celebrates Completion of Rochester East Pier Repairs

    Today the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of repairs to the 1,025 foot, 114 year-old Rochester East Pier. In attendance were Lt. Col. Colby Krug, Commander USACE Buffalo District, John Pellito representing Congressman Joe Morelle, Chief Matthew Riesberg, Officer in Charge U.S. Coast Guard Station Rochester.
  • Barren River Lock and Dam No. 1 Removal Commences to Eliminate Safety Hazard

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, with The Nature Conservancy as a supporting partner, will begin removing Barren River Lock and Dam 1 on the Barren River in Warren County, Kentucky this week.
  • Corps of Engineers awards $1.068 billion of the New Lock at the Soo Phase 3 contract

    SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District anticipates Phase 3 construction will start this summer with the $1.068 billion of the New Lock at the Soo Phase 3 contract award July 1, 2022. Kokosing Alberici Traylor, LLC (KAT), a joint venture headquartered in Westerville, Ohio will begin constructing the largest phase, the new lock chamber and rehabilitation of the downstream approach walls. This contract allows the contractor to begin work. With continued funding, the remaining work, valued at $803.95 million may be awarded over the next three years. Corps of Engineers officials expect Phase 3 construction to take seven years. "The Corps of Engineers looks forward to beginning construction on the new lock chamber later this summer, and we continue to work hard to maintain the pace and continue to make progress toward New Lock at the Soo total project completion in summer 2030,” said New Lock at the Soo Project Manager Mollie Mahoney.
Chick Lock

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