The Louisville District End of Year Award Ceremony

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News Releases

Tag: Buffalo District
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Awards Contract for Dunkirk Harbor Dredging

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District has awarded a $618,332 contract to Michigan-based, Dean Marine & Excavating, Inc., July 6, 2022, to conduct dredging of the federal navigation channel in Dunkirk Harbor.
  • Corps of Engineers & City of Painesville Partner to stabilize Grand Riverbank and Protect Local Public Infrastructure

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District, has partnered with the City of Painesville, Ohio to stabilize a portion of the west bank of the Grand River and protect the public infrastructure in the city.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Awards Contract for Critical Repairs to Oswego Harbor Breakwater

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District awarded a $4.75 million contract to Michigan-based Dean Marine Excavating on June 2, for repairs to the Oswego Harbor west arrowhead breakwater and the foundation of the Oswego West Pierhead Lighthouse in Oswego, N.Y.
  • Great Lakes Infrastructure grows $101 million stronger from FY22 Work Plan

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District received a total of $101.9 million in the Fiscal Year 2022 Work Plan to complete projects across the District’s area of responsibility. The FY22 Work Plan funding is in addition to the $99.96 million of FY22 President’s Budget and $24 million of FY22 funding from the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act.
  • Submerged stone wall in Ashtabula Harbor marked by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District has marked a submerged stone wall in Ashtabula, Ohio to remind boaters of its presence inside Ashtabula Harbor’s East Breakwater. The 1,500 linear foot wall is now identified by nine red buoys with reflective tape, floating at water level approximately every 165 feet. The top of the submerged stone wall is approximately one to two feet below the water level. The wall creates an enclosed space not designed for boater access. For safety, boaters should stay in the bounds of the federal navigation channel until outside the harbor.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Awards Contract to Dredge Toledo Harbor & Maumee River

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Buffalo District awarded a $4,565,000 contract to Michigan-based Ryba Marine Construction Company on May 17 to conduct dredging of the federal navigation channel in Toledo Harbor and the Maumee River. Dredging of harbors like Toledo’s and rivers like the Maumee ensures accessible depths for large vessels, the continued flow of commodities across the Great Lakes, and the economic viability of United States waterways.
  • Tonawanda Landfill Vicinity Property Site Closeout Report Available

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Buffalo District has completed the Site Closeout Report for the Tonawanda Landfill Vicinity Property, Town of Tonawanda, New York. It is available in the Reports section of the project website at: The report provides a consolidated record of all removal and remedial activities conducted at the Tonawanda Landfill Vicinity Property and documents compliance with all regulations and requirements. The site is a vicinity property of the Linde FUSRAP Site, also located in Tonawanda, New York. Prepared under the Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP), this report indicates the completion of response actions at the vicinity property in accordance with the 2008 record of decision for the Mudflats Operable Unit (OU) and the 2017 record of decision for the Landfill OU.
  • Final structural component of the Canandaigua VA Medical Center Phase 2 Project placed

    The construction of the Canandaigua VA Medical Center Phase 2 project reached another major milestone today when the final structural beam was placed atop the Community Center Building (Bldg. #62) by the project team. Phase 2 of the project was awarded for $176.2 million to Pike Co. and Hueber-Breuer Construction Joint Venture and includes demolition of Buildings #33 and #34 to support construction of a 96 bed Community Living Center complex, Community Center Building and Building N Loading Dock, in addition to renovations to Building #3 and #9 to support the Phase 1 Outpatient Clinic.
  • USACE FUSRAP Team Completes First Seaway Site Five-Year Review of Selected Remedy

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Buffalo District completed performing the first five-year review of the protectiveness of the selected remedy outlined in the 2009 record of decision for the Seaway Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Site, located within the 100-acre Seaway Industrial Park along River Road in the Town of Tonawanda, New York. The selected remedy, Containment with Limited Off-site Disposal, requires the capping of Seaway Areas A, B, and C within the landfill boundaries. The cap for the FUSRAP-related material (soil contaminated with radium, thorium, uranium, and uranium daughter products) will be constructed of multiple layers of various types of soil, fabric, and geomembranes at least 4.5-feet thick. Long-term monitoring of FUSRAP-related materials in capped areas, surveillance, and maintenance will be performed by the federal government. The federal government will ensure that land-use controls are in place to prevent future access to and disturbance of the contained FUSRAP-related materials.
  • Mount Morris Dam and Recreation Area Welcomes Visitors for 2022 Season

    The William B. Hoyt II Visitor Center at the Mount Morris Dam and Recreation Area opens to the public Sunday, May 1 for its 2022 visitor season. This year marks the return of inside-the-dam tours after a two-year hiatus, the first full season of online tour reservations, and 70 years since construction of the dam was completed. Located on the Genesee River next to Letchworth State Park, the dam provides flood protection to downstream communities, including the City of Rochester, as well as a place to enjoy nature and outdoor recreation in its day-use park.
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